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Mila POV

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Mila POV

"How ironic. You have a crush on the same boy you suspected of being a vampire, what's more you guys are lab partners now." Maria chuckles sitting down beside me.

"I don't have a crush, I just told you he's cute." I grab a pillow off her bed screaming into it. "Fuckkk."

"The fuck is up with you?" Her older brother walks in.

"Nothing, fuck off." I respond but my voice was muffled from the pillow.

The pillow is snatched away from me and I glare up at him. "What?"

"What's with the attitude?" He returns my glare.

Maria watches from her bed eating a candy bar with an amused smile.

"What attitude Marco?" I ask sweetly.

"Alright." He rolls his eyes throwing the pillow in my face. "Moms went out so I'm bout to dip over to a party, you gon be good?"

Maria eyes light up. "I wanna come."


"I'm coming." She argues.

I watch them bicker from the floor, though the only thing my eyes seemed to be focusing on was Marco.

I had a crush on him for about four years even though he's the epitome of a fuckboy but,

He's so fine, with his loose curly hair and medium build body, and those pink plump lips. My eyes drift down to his arms taking in his tattoos.

Those tattoos of his are so fine. I can just imagine how hot it'll look when he chokes me—


I blink snapping out of it. "Huh?"

They both stare at me. "Are you coming or what?" Marco questions.

"Uh to the party?" I ask confused from my daze.

He gives me a dumb look. "No shit."

My face falls and I quickly flip him off.

"Yea sure whatever."

"Hurry up and find something to wear." He turns to his sister. "Your friend is weird istg." He leaves after that.


I regret coming.

The music was insanely loud I could barely hear my thoughts. The smell of liquor was making me sick and having so much sweaty bodies rubbing up against was beginning to work my nerves.

This is totally Maria's scene not mine. Maria and I are total opposites. Most of the time the reason we get into trouble is because of her, plus she's popular with the guys and I'm like...not.

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