𝔠𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔨𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔡...⁷

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Mila POV

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Mila POV

I climb into Angelo's bed after finishing up my shower. "You're taking too long." I lay on his chest.

"With what?"

I grab his hand intertwining our fingers together.

"To ask me out. You keep hinting at it but you're not—"

He pulls my head up to look at him kissing me. I groan annoyed but kiss back. Grabbing my waist he sits us up still kissing me.

I wrap my arms around his head deepening the kiss. My tongue swipes against his bottom lip wanting to feel his tongue on mine but he denies me.

His bedroom suddenly swings open and we quickly pull away.

"Mommm, Angelo is being nasty." A little Mexican boy yells before walking into the room.

Wait he has a little brother?

"Taylor what you want?"

He glares at his brother. "Mom said you had a girl up here so I wanted to see." He looks at me. "She's pretty."

He walks up to me. "I'm Taylor."

"She knows that dumbass." Angelo comments and I laugh causing his brother to stick his tongue out at him.

"Hi Ta—"

He cuts me off. "Are you and my brother dating? "

"Yea we are." Angelo answers for me and I glance at him surprised.

Taylor stares at me for a moment and I stare back confused.

"His ex was trash but I like you, you don't look like a bitch. "

My jaw drops and I cover my mouth to hold in my laughter.

"Taylor!" His mom enters the doorway scolding him. "I'm so sorry." She apologizes looking embarrassed dragging him out.

When the door shuts I turn to him confused. "Why is this the first time I've heard or seen your brother? And you guys look nothing alike."

"All the times you came over he was over by his friends house." He shrugs. "And my mom adopted him."

"He's adorable." I chuckle.

He pulls me on his lap again. "You happy now dickhead?"

"You just claimed me you didn't even ask me directly—"


He kisses me and I melt into his arms. He groans against my lips pulling me closer. I pull away for a moment panting.

"You always cut me off."

"Cuz you talk too much." He pecks my lips.

I frown. "Fuck you."

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