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Mila POV

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Mila POV

Angelo gives me a weird look. "Why are you dressed like that?"

I frown at him. "Because I wanted to match you, I thought you were gonna wear all black like you usually do."

But he wasn't wearing black, he had on a Nirvana shirt with a beige jacket and loose cut jeans with some Air Force ones.

He looked normal compared to his usual style choice which was something I wasn't used to.

He laughs. "I only dress like that when I'm in school, I don't really like standing out."

But that only makes you stand out more—

"Plus I don't wanna ruin our date by looking depressing so I switched it up." He gestures to his outfit.

"Okay but now I look depressing next to you." I huff looking at my reflection in the cars window.

I had on a black long sleeved v-neck crop top and a red plaid cami dress layered over it, a black garter belt wrapped around my right thigh with platform shoes and white frilly socks.

"I should change." I mumble feeling self conscious.

He joins my reflection. "No need, I like it you look cute." He kisses the side of my head and I blush.

"Thank you." I smile in the windows mirror at his reflection.

"You ready for our date?" Angelo smiles at me.


"I couldn't make up my mind on where to take you so I'll let you choose." He opens my door and I get in.

"Alright." I brighten up once he gets in and starts the car.

"I was thinking we can go to an amusement park, a picnic or go explore some abandoned buildings."

I think for a moment. "Umm can we go exploring and then have a picnic?"

"Anything you want."

I smile at his response leaning back in my seat and enjoying the drive.


"I'm not gonna lie this is creepy. I hate hospitals." I mutter walking through the long halls of the hospital with Angelo beside me.

"Hmm we should visit this place at night."

I slowly turn my head to him. "Hell no."

I look at him as if he was crazy.

"What? Are you scared of ghosts coming out to attack you?" He pretends to attack me.

"Ugh yes." I push him away.

He snorts. "You're kidding me? Maria said you were superstitious but I thought she was fucking with me."

"When you first transferred I thought you were a vampire because you're always dressed in black and hiding away from the sun." I avoid looking at him.


We enter a patient room going through and examining all the medical supplies.

"Hey Angelo."

"Yea." He comes up behind me.

"How old is this hospital?" I ask curious.

"I think it shut down about six months ago." He replies as I go to open a drawer. "There were too many cases of malpractice so they had to shut down."

I scream when a rat jumps out and I run out of the room quickly.

"There are rats??" I shiver in disgust as it runs out the room and down the hallway squeaking.

Angelo calmly walks out the room. "You're so scary." He chuckles.

"How did that not bother you?" I ask wildly.

"I used to have a pet snake so I had to feed it rats and mice pretty often." He shrugs.

I make a face. "Ew."

He mocks me. "eW."

I stop at a room marked Admin. "Do you think they'll have some old files still in here?"

"I'm not sure." He replies as I cautiously open the door.

There were filing cabinets packed neatly beside each other in rows. Walking in the room I pull on one of the drawers but it doesn't budge.

"It's locked." I groan.

"This one is open." Angelo points out.

I grin walking over to the drawer digging through it. Angelo walks away checking the other drawers.

I stop when I recognize a name, Felix Miller.

I shake my head. "It's just a coincidence." I mumble.

"You said something?"

I look over at Angelo. "No, nothing." I look back at the file pulling it out to take home with me.


It started to rain so we decided to have our picnic inside his car. I pick up a fry and go to put it in my mouth when he eats it out of my hand.

"Uh what the fuck?" I raise a brow.

"Problem?" He challenged mirroring my expression.

"Nah you good bro." I smirk picking up his cup of sprite drinking it down.

"Bruh don't call me bro." He chuckles.

"Okay sorry bruv, is that better?" I fake an English accent.

He flicks a fry at my face. "Ugly ass accent."

We share a laugh before slowly falling into a comfortable silence. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he takes it out answering the call.

"Hey mom."

I watch him silently from the passenger seat as I eat, smiling a little to myself.

"Yes, I told you I was going on a date." He suddenly smiles almost like he was embarrassed. "I told you she's not my girlfriend...yet." He glances at me oncing me over.

I blush turning my eyes away.

"Okay I'll be home in a few. Love you." He hangs up. "Sorry about that."

I shake my head. "No it's fine."

He starts to gather up our trash. "You ready to head back?"

I bite my lip in thought. "Can I um stay the night..?"

"Oh you haven't gotten enough me yet huh?" He jokes.

I flip him off and he laughs.

"Yea sure but tell your parents first."

"I already gave them a heads up."

He raises a brow a smirk tugging at his lips. "So you planned this ahead of time?"

I turn my head away bashful. "Shut up."

"I'm just fucking with you." He starts the car. "You wanna go home to get some clothes?"

"I'm fine sleeping in yours." I smile.

"Hm alright."

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