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Mila POV

Angelo left an hour ago so I'm sitting on my bed painting my toes somberly.

Dimitri, Scarlet and Felix appear in my room.

"Heyo." Scarlet climbs in my bed taking the nail polish from me.

"Hey." I reply dryly my mind preoccupied with Angelo.

She sighs painting her nails. "I'm so glad I'm out of that fucking ward."

"Wait, where've you been this whole time?" I raise a brow.

"With Dimitri." She smiles glancing over at him and it wasn't hard to notice that something was going on between the two.

"Okay then."

"How come you guys are here?" I blow on my toes to dry them.

"Thought you'd miss seeing my face after being unconscious for three days." Dimitri pouts childishly.

"You don't miss me?" He questioned tackling me messing up my toes in the process which makes me curse.

"Bruh." I scream. "Fuck off." I snap pushing him away.

"Someone's moody." He gets off of me and I flip him off.

"You smudged my toes." I complained.

He stops his expression changing to one of bewilderment. "Who's scent..?"

"Hm?" I raise a brow.

"There's a smell on you."

Oh right...

Felix sits on the floor at the front of the bed rolling up a blunt. "Didn't know talking with your ex involved sex."

"It just happened." I shrug.

"Sure it did, I'm sure you were just waiting to fuck him, you don't think of anything else." He cuts his eyes at me.

"Someone's jealous..." Scarlett mumbles.

"Scarlett." Dimitri scolds.

"And whats that supposed to mean?" I glare at him getting up.

"Exactly what it sounds like." He shrugs.

"Are you calling me a whore?" My glare intensifies.

"I think he's calling you a whore." Scarlett muses again.

"Scarlett." Dimitri scolds once again.

I glance at her quietly telling her to shut up.

"What's the problem? Wouldn't be the first time now would it? You normally like being called a dirty little slut don't you? Thought that was part of your degradation kink?" He smirks turning his head towards me. "Or do you just not like how vulgar it sounds when I put it like that?" 

"Oh fuck you Felix, you'd put your dick in anything and you pass bitches around." I roll my eyes.

He gets up off the floor with a sigh. "Doesn't that apply to you too?" He tilts his head smiling with the blunt to his lips.

"Ouch." Dimitri and Scarlett muttered.

"Fuck. You." I tighten my fists.

"And they're fighting once again...we should go." Dimitri suggests.

"I don't wanna leave yet though."

"Scarlett." I hear him warn.

I barely pay them any mind as they left. "Atleast Angelo's not a fucking dick."

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