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Mila POV

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Mila POV

"Uh no one..." I lie which makes him grab me by the throat causing me to let out a shriek.

"Lie to me again."

There's a knock on my door. "Hey you okay?" A manly voice speaks through the door.

I look back at Felix and he raises a brow expecting me to answer.

"Uh um yea, I'm okay dad." I yell back.

It's quiet and I wait until his footsteps recede while I silently try to come up with a better lie.

"I'm sorry..." Is all I can bring myself to say as his golden eyes stare into my soul.

I get quiet staring up at him. He stares at me for a moment before he sighs letting my neck go.

"Go shower."

My brows raise in surprise. "Huh?"

"Go fucking shower." He snaps.

I quickly walk past him going to my bathroom. "And when your done I want you to get on the bed."

"Uh Huh." I shut the bathroom door behind me.


"You can't...you can't put that on me." I push his hand away backing up into his chest.

He slaps my hand away. "And who's gonna stop me?"

My breathing becomes sporadic watching his hands get closer to my kitty. I shudder when he slips a small vibrator inside of me.

I melt into his chest at the pulsing of it while his eyes watched me please.

"You can go eat now." I stay still trembling in his arms.

"Go on, your parents are waiting aren't they?" He adds.

"I don't care... about that." I look up at him with heavy eyes.

"Didn't you hear me? I said go."

He smiles and I clamp a hand over my mouth when the setting is raised.

With shaky legs I get up walking out my room trying to ignore the buzzing in between my legs. I almost stumble down the stairs from how much my legs were trembling.

I pull the hood of my hoodie up before walking into our dining area.

"You took your time." My dad jokes.

"Sorry." I mumble taking a seat.

My mom quickly blessed our food before we all dug in. I pick up my fork taking a chunk off of the lasagna that was on my plate.

I go to eat it but choke when the setting is raised even higher. My eyes roll into my head swallowing the moans that were creeping up my throat.

"Oh fuck." I whisper.

"Mhm." Felix leans over my chair attacking my neck. "I wonder how your parents would react if they knew what a dirty slut you are for me."

S...shut up.

He sinks his teeth into my neck. "Watch your mouth."

I let out a small whimper before stuffing a bit of food into my mouth.

He inhales before sighing. "I'm glad that scent is gone it was pissing me off." He pulls away from my neck.

"Hurry up and eat, I'll be waiting upstairs." He disappears after that.

I struggled to eat my food since he kept messing with the settings of the vibe. It was making a mess of my insides and I was forced to choke back my sounds.

"Are you not enjoying the food?" My mom asks.

I look up at her shaking my head. "No it's f-fine, I like it really." I force a smile.

It really did taste good but I couldn't savor it due to the toy buzzing around inside me.


I stumble into my room and there he was smirking on my bed.

"Come here."

I whimper but comply getting on the bed but the sudden spike of intensity from the vibrator startles me and I fall face first into the sheets.

I go to move but he stops me raising my hips. "Stay just like that." I flinch when his tongue slips inside of me.

"Ngnn no." I protest pulling my hips back.

He spanks me hard fixing my hips back on his tongue. "Don't fucking move."

I cry as he tongue fucks me with the vibe still inside. My legs tremble and I moan into the sheets loudly.

"Too...too much it's too—"

I feel his tongue slip out of me for a moment and I relax but it's quickly ripped away from me.

"Sorry what? Raise it higher? Ok."

My eyes widen and I go to protest. "N-no don—"

My legs squeeze together tightly as the buzzing intensifies, what made it worse his saliva has made me more sensitive.

"Fuck I can't...ca...cant take—" My legs begin trembling violently signifying I was close to cumming.

"I'm gonna—"

Everything stops. I stayed in my place confused and a little scared to move.

"Uh um it...stopped."

"Oh I know." He taps my thigh twice lightly telling me to turn around.

I obey turning around with a frown. "Why did you stop it..?"

"I'm edging you." He leans kissing me and I kiss back moaning into his mouth.

"I don't want that." I pull away panting hard.

"I don't care about what you want." He goes in between my legs again and I watch him with heavy eyes.

His mouth latched onto my clit and his tongue caressed and flicked at it softly.


I gasp when two fingers enter me. "H-Hey Fe—" I stop myself when his eyes fall on me.

The look in his eyes was enough for me to correct myself. "D-Daddy...wait."

His fingers begin pounding my insides while the the tip of his fingers rubbed against the toy each time they entered me.

My mind was going blank but he kept going despite all my cries and whines for him to stop.

The build up in my gut was unbelievably large. Just before I can cum he stops once again.

"Please I just wanna..c-cum." I become teary eyed.

"Mhm I know your clit is all swollen." He bites it lightly and I almost screamed.

My eyes roll into my head and I wrap my legs around his head tugging at his hair while he played with me.

I'm going...insane.

• this was supposed to be a double update last night but I fell asleep while proof reading this so ya
• Felix saliva works like a stimulant.
• I'm not sure if I'll keep the gifs because most are whitewashed so yea but I was trying to make it more aesthetic. I'll probably just make a header for the book.

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