𝔫𝔬 𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨³¹

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Mila POV

So this is his dad.

Felix stays quiet and his dad eyes fall on me warily until his eyes fall on my stomach his expression changing rather quickly.

"Is that my new grandchild brewing in there?" He approaches me quickly peering down at my stomach appearing pleased.

"We're not keeping it." Felix interrupts.

"Yes we are, not until I know for sure..." I drift off.

"This is a first." Asmodeus comments. "You actually wish to keep the child, I'm glad."

He smiles at me and yet even though it looked like genuine joy there was This miss placed eerie feeling I couldn't shake off.

"Mila just..." He huffs clearly agitated. "Shut the fuck up for a second."

Fuck you.

I mentally cursed glaring at him but my anger is ignored as he turns to his father again.

"Like I said, we're not keeping it." Felix glares.

His father's face falls appearing deeply upset.


"We're not. Keeping. It." Felix repeats.

"Why?" His brows crease deeply in questionable annoyance.

"It'll kill her."

Wait what...?

I shake my head in disbelief confused by Felix's words, this is the first time I'm hearing about this.

"Okay? I fail to see the issue, she has no problem with it, right dear?" His father smiles charmingly yet his intimidating aura stayed.

"I...I wasn't aware it would kill me..." I mumble.

"Oh don't worry about that, you'll just come down here with the child." He shrugs. "Because you're most definitely coming to hell."

Felix looks over at me his eyes glancing down at my stomach before speaking,

"No, I don't want to put that burden on her."

His father's brow shoots up in surprise question. "Really? Yet you imprinted on her, didn't use protection afterwards multiple times and neither did she."

"He said he couldn't get me pregnant..." I defended.

"An incubus imprint cancels that out, it also means no other person can get you pregnant till that incubus lets you go and any other incubus charms can't work either. It's like a cock ring on your sex life." He informed casually.

"Oh." I whisper as my reality settled in.

This wasn't Angelo's child as much as I hoped it was, that wasn't possible.

"She'll be just like your mother, collateral damage of sorts." That comment seems to tick Felix off.

"She didn't have a choice, did she? You fucking assaulted her knowing the risks of giving birth to a cambion." He snaps.

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