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Mila POV

"Um what's going on?" I ask nervously tugging on the cuffs attached to my wrists.

"We gave you an aphrodisiac so you'll enjoy yourself better." He replies and I notice how his eyes glance down my now half naked body.

I felt uncomfortable but oddly turned on by his staring.

Felix walks back in the room with a block of ice in his hands.


"Yea kitten?" He raises a brow coming closer to me.

Dimitri suddenly starts kissing on me and naturally I shudder. I gasped when his tongue licked along my collarbone.

"Don't...touch me..." I protested.

I flinch in shock when a cold sensation hits my stomach and I instantly recognize it as the ice Felix brought with him.

"We're hungry so let us play with you for a bit." Felix replies dragging the ice down my stomach.

"I never a-agreed to this...or for your friend to...touch me." I complained.

"You don't want me to play with you? That hurts my feelings. " Dimitri sucks along my neck as his hand goes between my legs rubbing my clit.

"Doesn't my finger feel good rubbing your clit?"

His words made a shiver rush to my head. "Ngnn I'm not yours...to play with." I utter.

"Yea but you're mines." Felix interjects dragging the ice across my thigh. "And I'm sharing you right now."

I whimper in protest bucking my hips. "Fe—"


He kisses me as what feels like Dimitri's finger slipping inside of me and I gasp against his lips shivering. He groans and I jolt when the ice is pressed on my clit.

"Ah~" I struggle to push at his hand but pause when Dimitri slips another finger inside me momentarily making my stomach tighten.

"His fingers...their..." I whimper.

Felix tongue entering my mouth interrupts me and I moan against his lips, the pleasure slowly getting to me.

This is wrong Mila don't feel good.

What about Angelo?

I buck my hips whining trying to get him to take the ice off my clit. He notices pulling away from my lips.

"You want me to take it off?"

"Yes p-please." I beg softly.

"Please what?" He looks at me expectantly.

I glance over at Dimitri embarrassed.

"Please...daddy, take it...off." I breathe.

Simultaneously they both retract their hands away from me and I sigh relieved but it vanishes instantly when he slips the ice inside of me.

"Ngnn." I whine. "Please take it out."


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