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Mila POV

In a blink of an eye, we were in a large dark bedroom. The size was almost the size of my living room with large windows and grey and white comforters.

 The size was almost the size of my living room with large windows and grey and white comforters

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"Where are we?" I look over at him as he walks over to a door calling for someone.

"Hell." He replies as a fair-skinned girl with decent size horns walks in smiling, her soulless black eyes seemingly appearing bright with kindness.

"Young lord, you're back."

I raise a brow. Young lord? Oh, right he's a prince.

Her eyes notice me. "Why is—"

He cuts her off. "Pretend like you don't see her. Bring me something to eat, get me some mugwort tea, and keep everyone away from my room." He orders.

The girl looks deflated by his request. "Even your dad?" She questions sounding scared.

"Yes, Bekca."

"But—" He shuts the door on her before she can get a word out.

"What's the tea for?"

"For you to drink so you can kill." He points to my stomach. "That thing in your stomach."

"Can you stop referring to them as a thing? Also I'm not drinking anything untiI I talk to Angelo or get a test." I deadpan.

He remains quiet.

"I'm not drinking it." I deadpan.

"Mila, I will force it down your throat if needed." He cuts his eyes.

I stare at him blankly unfazed. "And I'll spit it out." I raise a brow challenging him.

"You're so fucking—" A knock on the door interrupts him making him snap.

"What?" He yells opening the door to an embarrassed Bekca.

"Uh your food and tea—"

"Thanks." He takes the food from her before quickly shutting the door on her face once again.

"You're such an ass." I comment walking over to the window.

"And you're borderline psychotic."

His comment makes me snap my eyes to him but he ignores my glare.

"So you do think I'm crazy, that's nice to know." I chuckle bitterly. "The monster and psycho."

My degrading comment is ignored. He goes to grab something off the platter of food to eat but stop groaning in frustration.

"I'll be back, stay here, and please just drink the fucking tea before I come back."

I get quiet not saying anything else. "I'm being so serious Mila." He says before walking out of the room angrily.

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