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Mila POV

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Mila POV

It's been about three weeks since Angelo and I been lab partners. I really need to stop judging people from their appearances.

He's so chill, I feel bad that I originally suspected he was some kind of vampire.

Felix also hasn't visited it in couple days, I'm a bit relieved since I'm slowly getting my energy back but right now school is draining me instead.

"Ugh I'm tired." I dramatically lay back onto the floor.

"We can take a break. Besides we're ahead of the assignments so we really don't need to do this today." He flips through the assignments we've completed so far.

"I know but I like to be ahead you know?" I sigh propping myself up on my elbows to look at him.

He snorts. "You're a nerd."

"And you're a bitch." I retort.

"Mhm yea ok." He gets up heading over to his door.

"I'm hungry."

You can eat me— Wtf Mila?

I shake the perverted thought out, replying,

"Me too." I get up following him downstairs.

We get down just in time to see his mom getting ready to leave for her shift.

"Angelo I left money on the counter, you can order something for you and your girlfriend!" She yells before shutting the door behind her.

"She's not my—" He stops realizing she already left.

I chuckle following him into the kitchen.

"Does the the thought of me being your girlfriend bother you?" I jump onto his counter getting comfortable.

"Do you think it does?" He replies with a question opening his fridge in search of something to eat.

"Don't answer my question with a question dumbass."

He looks over his shoulder smirking. "Or what?"

I get flustered turning my head away. "Ugh shut up."

I hear the fridge close and soon after he sighs.

"Guess we're ordering takeout."


"I'm so full." I burp.

"Excuse me." I chuckle a bit embarrassed.

He gathers up our trash leaving the room to throw it out. I look around his room curiosity getting the best of me.

I walk over to his bookcase to see a collection of knives. Ouu.

I decided not to touch them moving on to something else. I pick a picture frame smiling a little, it was a picture of him and his mom but he looked much smaller.

I rest it down about to go on to something else but scream when he scares me.


"Angelo what the fuck?" I hold my chest calming down.

He falls to the floor with laughter and I glare. I had the urge to kick him. He soon stops wiping his eyes.

"That was hilarious. I'm sorry."

"You are such a bitch." I mumble getting comfortable on the floor again.

"Oh come on you love me." He smiles appearing bashful.

"Shut up." I don't deny it.

He chuckles. "Alright let's get this finished up so I can drop you home." He picks up the assignment.

"Hey Angelo."

He looks up from the assignment papers in his hands. "Hm?"

I kiss him softly and slowly closing my eyes hoping he'll kiss me back. I hear the papers rustle before his hands wrap around my waist pulling me on his lap deepening our kiss.

I groan wrapping my arms around his head as his tongue slips into my mouth. I moan against his lips becoming excited.

I suck on his tongue while my hands messed with his hair. His hand wraps around my neck and my eyes roll into my head pleased.

I pull away for a moment quickly taking off my shirt before kissing him again. I moan against his lips pulling him closer by the nape of his neck.

Hearing him groan while I rocked my hips against his lap turned me on. He pulls away stopping the kiss.

"Hey, you know I can't have sex with you right?"

I pull his hand away from my neck leaning in to his neck kissing it.

"Mhmm why not?" I rock my hips against him more.

"Because we're not dating mhm stop." He grabs my hips stopping me.

"I like you, don't you like me?" I slowly pull away frowning at him.

"Yea I do." He kisses under my neck. "I like you so much but,"

"But..?" I pull away to look at him.

"Not yet okay?"

Does he think I'm a Virgin?

"You know I'm not a Virgin right?" I say without thinking.

He chuckles. "Me either but I atleast wanna take you out on a date before I fuck you."

I shudder at the word. "Mhm okay."

He kisses me again caressing my sides and I groan against his lips but he pulls away soon after.

"Put your shirt back home I'll drive you home."



I walk through the front door slipping off my sneakers.

"Oh sweetie you're back." My foster mom comes out from the kitchen to greet me. "I'm almost done with dinner so come down after you shower."

"Okay mom." I go up to my room.

Walking inside I shut the door and my eyes quickly scan the room for Felix but he wasn't here, thankfully.

I put my phone to charge before getting undressed. As I'm getting undressed I notice Felix reflection in the mirror standing by the wall.


I smile nervously. "Oh uh hey. I haven't seen you in a few days." I point out.

"Mhm had some errands to run." He replies coming closer to me. "I'm hungry."

I step back. "Demons have errands?" I try to change the subject.

He looks at me questionably. "Yes, come here." He takes another step looking suspicious.

"Uh can it wait? I need to shower and my parents are waiting for me downstairs to come eat." I try to keep my distance.

"I don't care about that." He pulls my arm pulling me against his chest. "I thought you would've missed m—"

He stops talking and I tense up in his arms when I feel his mood change.


He grabs my chin slowly tilting it up to look at him. My blood runs cold when I see his malicious smile and his now golden eyes.

"Who's scent is that all over you?"

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