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Mila POV

I jog downstairs to meet my mom in the kitchen.

She turns to me smiling. "I was coming up to tell you I'm home but you were busy, tell Angelo I said hi."

Angelo- oh.

"He uh left already."

I lie and my eyes avert over to Felix who was leaning against the counter behind her smirking.

"Oh, that's too bad. You should invite him over for dinner tomorrow." She suggests.

"Are you sure? What about dad?"

"Shocking enough, it was his idea." She laughs to herself.

"He said he wants to meet the boy who his daughter was dating to make sure you're being treated right, seems to me you are though." She smirks at me.

I blush. "You're so embarrassing." I hide my face walking out the kitchen hearing her laugh.


"This'll be the first time I'm formally meeting your parents huh? I'm nervous but excited." He chuckles as we pull up outside my house.

I don't reply staying quiet.

I'm nervous as fuck.

He grabs my hand rubbing my knuckles. "You're quiet, what's wrong?"

I shake my head dismissing it. "I'm just nervous I guess."

"Okay if you're nervous for me that makes me even more nervous." He sighs.

"No no you're fine it's just...idk."


We park and he turns off the car. Grabbing my hand he kisses my knuckle.

"It'll be okay, I love you."

He smiles at me genuinely unaware of all my deceit. His smile makes the guilt in my stomach worse.

"I love you too." I choke out and the words felt numb on my tongue.


"So Angelo this is somehow the first time we're meeting directly, I noticed you came over yesterday, I was going to say hi but you seemed busy." My mother comments.

My eyes widen and I quickly notice Angelo's face of confusion.

"I wasn't here yesterday."

His confusion was expected, by me anyway.

There's a chuckle and my eyes snap to Felix sitting at the end of the table looking amused.

"Oh you're embarrassed." She waves him off.

Angelo gets quiet genuine bewilderment on his face. Thankfully my dad changes the subject,

"Angelo you got any plans after high school?"

"Uh yea I do, I'm planning to attend college to study psychology and well I'm also looking to do some music at the side." He responds before taking a bite of his food.

My dad nods. "What genre of music do you do?"

"Uh I guess I'd say it's a mix between rap and pop?" He replies in more of a question.

"To tell you the truth Mr and Mrs. Peters I was honestly nervous to meet you guys." He glances over at me smiling. "I'm not sure why but I think your daughter has been avoiding introducing me to you guys."

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