𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥³⁶

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Mila POV

Upon opening my eyes again, I was no longer on the bed but the darkness from before remained as far as my eyes can see.

"Felix...?" I call in the darkness but no response comes.

It finally settles in that my body felt strangely light and my pain was gone. I look down at my stomach to see my small bump was gone.

"What's going on...?" I mumbled.

"Mi...la~" A low guttural voice calls from the darkness.

A chill runs down my spine, stepping back fearful for my life.


"Bereavement, the end of all, your beginning, your end, death." It replies and a chill runs down my spine.

I turn around locking eyes with a skeletal figure draped in a robe and a scythe that floated beside him at the ready.

I attempt to scream but nothing comes out. The blue fiery eyes of it stare into my soul and I shiver suddenly feeling cold as ice.

"Is this form of mine too frightening?" It tilts its head slightly and I don't reply too scared to speak.

"Is this better?"

His voice calls behind me and I stammer back turning around again meeting an old man in casual wear and a walking stick in his hand, but his cold blue eyes remained.


I nod slowly.

"I am death, please to make your acquaintance."

"I'm...I'm dead...?" I question not believing my ears.

"Yes...but no, you're currently between the state of life and death. Limbo." He turns around walking into the darkness and I follow him nervously.

"Are you here to collect my soul?"

He falls quiet for a moment. "That's entirely up to you."

"What do you mean?"

He stops turning to me pointing his walker at my face. "You have a choice."

Despite it only being a walker I could feel the sharpness of the scythe from it as if it was merely a phantasm.

I stay quiet and he lowers his walker resuming our walk. I follow after him quietly and we soon approach two doors.

We stop before them and he turns to me.

"What is this?"

"These doors are your choices, life or death. New beginning or your end?"

"My choices...?" I question confused.

He gestures to the door on the left. "You may return to a normal life with Angelo and your family, everything up until now will be erased from their memories and replaced."

He waves his hand a mist of air appears before me images of my son's smile.

The sight of it brings tears to my eyes and I couldn't help but reach out to touch his face but the cloud of images immediately disappears.

"However your memory will stay and you will have to live with the knowledge of the child you left behind."

He gestures to the door on the right. "Or you may choose to abandon your life as well as a piece of your humanity and stay within hell's walls with your son and Felix. Your memories of your life before will be erased and you may never see or know of your family or Angelo ever again." He warns.

My chest tightens at the thought of losing Angelo and my family but I couldn't bear abandoning my son now that it's come to this.

I begin to cry unsure what path to choose.

"How is this fair? Both choices I'm losing something important." I argued. "Why can't I have both?"

He tilts his head in a mechanical manner much like before his eyes shifting into a glare.

"You're rather greedy."

I fall quiet at his comment as the weight of his words crashed down on me.

"You simply take and take and take and still expect more. You really can never be satisfied, you weren't satisfied with Angelo or Felix and you're not satisfied now."

"The human lust and greed is truly boundless." He voice comments from behind me once again.

I spin around again to see that he shifted once again into a younger middle aged man who wore a suit. My eyes fall on the watch noticing the symbol of a scythe engraved into it.

No matter the form he took so did the scythe?

"Why is that so wrong...? To be greedy? If it makes me happy why is it wrong?"

"You truly don't see an issue with your greed?" His hand cold to the touch grabs my chin peering down at me.

"How self absorbed..." He mused with a straight face.

He lets me go gesturing to the doors once again.

"You must choose the paths laid out before you."

"Why? Why must I choose this? How is this fair?" I cried.

"The workings of life and death aren't fair Mila." He reprimanded.

His face darkens. "Now choose. Meet your end or start over. Sacrifice your child or your lover."

I fall quiet memories of Angelo replayed in my mind as my heart ached at never seeing him again. I'll never kiss him again or tell him how much I love him.

But the thought of never being able to see my son hurt just as much. I won't see him grow up or hear his laugh. The guilt, would I be able to live with it?

"Your time is running out, you must hurry up and choose. There's only so long a soul can remain in this plane that separates life and death."

"Is there a right answer...?"

He only smirks. "I don't know, is there?"

"Now." He gestures to the two doors behind him. "Which will you choose?"

"I..." I stammer over my words unsure of my next decision.

"I choose..."

A/N: this is just a teaser! Alternative endings coming very soon...

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