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Mila POV

I walk into my room slamming my door and dropping my bag to the floor. Felix walks out of my bathroom his hair wet with a towel around his neck from a recent shower.

"Can you call Dimitri over here?"

"Why?" He retorts.

"Just shut up and call him over." I snapped.

As expected he doesn't respond turning away from me and calling Dimitri over. Ever since my monster comment he hasn't said much to me. Maybe I hit a nerve?

A few minutes go by and Dimitri finally shows.


Felix stays quiet walking back into the bathroom.

"Yea hi."

"What is it that you may need milady?" He joked.

"You need to keep your hands off my friend." I glare suspecting him. "Three times? In a day?"

His face falls. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Maria told me she had sex three times today." I deadpan.

He shrugs. "And you think I fucked her?" He raises a brow.

My face darkens. "Yes Dimitri, you fucked me so I wouldn't be surprised if you went after my friend too." I raise my voice a little still in an awful mood.

He looks confused. "Firstly don't fucking yell at me and secondly I didn't fuck her at all today or ever and lastly I only fucked you because Felix got the idea and I was hungry."

"So if you didn't sleep with her who did—" I pause turning my attention to Felix who stepped out the bathroom.

"Hm?" He raises a brow.

"Was it you?" I ask slowly.

He stares at me blankly. "Maybe."

I go to yell at him but suddenly felt nauseous my mouth watering. Running to the bathroom I hurriedly lift up the seat throwing up.

"Mila you good—"

I hear Dimitri's voice but couldn't respond still throwing up. He holds my hair up as I continue throwing up into the toilet bowl.

My throat felt sore and my head was becoming dizzy. It finally stops after a minute and I pant trying to catch my breath.

"My stomach... hurts." I rasp.

Dimitri helps me get up and I lean over the sink to brush my teeth. I groan the pain in my stomach getting worse.

When I'm done brushing my teeth I walk out of the bathroom stopping myself from dropping to my knees from the pain.

I make my way to the bed sitting down panting.

Both boys look at me and I sigh.


Dimitri looks at Felix then back at me. "You're pregnant."

My face remains straight. "You're not funny."

"I'm being serious, you are." He sighs.

I laugh. "I throw up once and now you suspect I'm pregnant?" I roll my eyes.

"No you're definitely pregnant."

He goes to say something else but Felix cuts him off.

"You're getting rid of it."

"Firstly, I'm not pregnant so that's nothing to get rid of and lastly, that isn't your choice to make." I glare.

"Well It's mine and I don't want it so you're getting rid of it." He grits.

"It could be Angelo's..." I mumble a little hopeful.

"It's not." He deadpanned.

"How do you know that Felix?" I raise a brow.

"You've had sex with me more than you've had with Angelo, you really think it would be his?" He sighed pulling on a hoodie.

He comes closer to me. "Plus it has a demonic scent, the only demons that's been around you so far are me and Dimitri and Keith, so either way it's not Angelo's."

I felt sick once again at the thought of giving birth to my rapist's child.

"W-what if it's his...?" I mutter picking at my nail becoming scared.

"It's not, it's definitely Felix, you smell like him and considering you guys haven't done anything with eachother in awhile and his scent is all over you...I'd say it's his." Dimitri comments.

"We share the same bed sometimes of course I'd smell like him."

I roll my eyes training my eyes on Felix. "I hope it's not yours."

He ignores my comment walking out the room without another word.


I pick at my food annoyed, the girl from earlier not leaving my head. 

"You okay? You haven't touched a bite of your food." My dad points out.

"Yea I'm great, I got broken up with and had to see my ex at school chumming it out with another b-- girl." I smile tightly. "I'm fine."

I stab my meat with my fork angrily causing the table to fall silent. I sigh slumping in my chair becoming upset.

"Have you tried talking to him?" My mom muses.

I sigh dissecting my food. "I tried but got interrupted by the same girl."

My dad finishes his meal getting up. "Try not to fuss over it. He'll talk to you in time, give him space for now." He kisses the side of my head lovingly.

Space...yea space...sure.





Space from what? Me?

Why would he want space from me? He loves me still doesn't he?

I suddenly get up grabbing my phone and throwing on my hoodie. My mom quickly stops me,

"Mila, where are you going?"

"For a walk." I lie.

She gestures to my unfinished plate. "You haven't even finished your dinner."

"I'll finish it later." I rush walking to the door.

As I left my house I pass a somber Felix sitting on our porch smoking a blunt. "If you're planning to go over to his house I would advise you not to but it's not like you'll listen would you?"

I ignored him shoving my phone in my pocket. As I stepped off my lawn he appears in front of me.

"Turn around before you do something you'll regret." He advised.

"Since when did you care what I did?" I glare trying to sidestep him but he blocks my path.


"For fuck sake. Felix, fuck off." I snapped.

He locks his jaw. "Alright, suit yourself." He sidesteps allowing me to pass.

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