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Mila POV

Returning from my trip to the store, I walk into my room with the bag of snacks and drinks I bought to notice two unfamiliar boys hanging out on my floor along with Felix.

One was black with dirty blonde colored locs hanging low infront of his eyes and the other appeared to be Hispanic? I think with wavy hair pulled into a half up style.

"Um who the fuck are they?" I make a face.

"My friends." He replies monotonously.

"You have friends?" I joke making one of the boys snort.

The Hispanic looking dude speaks. "I'm Kai." He introduces with a puppy like smile as he grinds up weed.

I train my eyes to the other guy with a raised brow expecting an introduction.

"Dimitri." He states putting a blunt to his lips.

He's hot.

All eyes snap to me each with different expressions and I quickly realize why, I forgot they can read thoughts.

Felix looked annoyed, Dimitri looked amused and well Kai, Kai looked unbothered.

I make an awkward face turning my head away. "Sorry." Embarrassing.

Dimitri chuckles. "Thanks for the compliment."

I quickly change the subject to avoid further embarrassment. "Why are they here? And why does my room look like a trap house?" I glare at Felix.

"I usually invite them over when you're in school." He shrugs.

"You know I'm doing school from home right now." I roll my eyes walking past them. "Whatever."

Throwing my bag of snacks on the bed I grab my laptop before settling on the bed.

I grab one of my snacks opening it as my laptop turns on causing Kai's head to turn to me. "Can I get some?"

I stare at him for a minute. "Sure." I hand him the bag begrudgingly and he takes some for himself.

Dimitri goes to take the bag from him but I snatch it away. "Did you ask?" I raise a brow.

"Can I have some?" He raises a brow.

"Yea sure whatever." I pull a chip out going to take a bite but he grabs my wrist eating it out of my hand.


I fight my blush pulling my hand away. "Um yea."

My eyes glance over to Felix unconsciously but his face was blank as he rolled his blunt, like he didn't care about his friend's flirting.

He's so confusing.

Unless he's just pretending not to be bothered. I shrug focusing back to my laptop beginning to do my work.

"So how'd it go with Lexi? Did she let you hit or what?" My ears perk up at the question.

"She did. I swear she'll fuck anything." Kai replies chuckling.

"Maybe I'll fuck her next."

I couldn't help the grimace that came on my face as well the comment that left my mouth. "Ew."

They heads turn to me including a buzzed out Felix. "Ew what?" They look at me weirdly.

"Ew, you all fucking the same girl." I gag.

Kai shrugs. "We're incubi what do you expect?"

"That's disgusting." I reply honestly.

Dimitri chuckles making his hoodie fall off his head and my eyes light up bending over the edge of the bed.

"You have horns." I smile becoming interested.

He tilts his head back looking up at me through his dread covered face.

"We all do." He comments as I touch the medium sized pointed things on the top of his head.

They had a overall black color but the pointed tip was red fading out like a gradient. I noticed how close our faces are quickly backing up.

"I've never seen yours." I look over at Felix as I straighten up.

"Because I hate them, so I hide them." Horns immediately grow out of his head curling almost like a rams gradually becoming bigger.

"Why is yours different?" I come off the bed walking over to him.

"Because I'm a prince." He replies sounding wary.

"You're a prince?" I ask impressed bending down to his level to touch his horns but he pulls me on his lap possessively.

"You don't tell her shit do you?" Dimitri comments.

Turning around in Felix's lap I reply. "He doesn't."

"Asmodeus is my dad, the prince of lust and king of the nine circles and I'm the second prince overseer of the second circle, lust." He takes a hit of his blunt before hiding his horns once again.

"Wait so your mom slept with a prince of hell?" I raise a brow.

He doesn't respond leaving the room to fall to a silence.

Kai suddenly smirks. "You guys look cute."

"I have a boyfriend." I quickly defend.

"Wouldn't have figured that how you're laying up with Felix." Dimitri adds on.

Felix chuckles deeply behind me at my silence.

"Don't be so ashamed it's probably hard to resist the pleasure, we're incubi after all. A legion of home wreckers." He chuckles taking a puff of his blunt.

"More so for a nymphomaniac like herself. She can't get enough of it." Felix turns my head looking smug. "Isn't that right?"

"I'm not a nympho." I glared.

"Sure." They all mused in unison which annoyed me further.

"Whatever." I got up from Felix's lap going over to my bed to focus on my school work.

Kai suddenly sighs getting off the floor. "Alright I'm hungry so imma go hit up Lexi again." He turns to me. "Later dudes."

I wave shyly. "Later."

I go back to my work as the boys chat amongst themselves once again.


I raise my head out of my book. "Dimitri why are you still here?" I look over at him and Felix slumped on the floor.

"You kicking me out?" He laughs.

I don't reply going back to my book copying down the answers to one of the questions on my assignment.

"I'm hungry."

"Me too." Felix adds on.

It's quiet and I could feel eyes on me. I slowly look up meeting their eyes mischief evident.

"Why are you both looking at me like that?"

locs are so hot.

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