𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢³⁰

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Mila POV

"This is so cool." Scarlett gushes looking around happily. "I can't believe I'll be coming here when I'm dead."

"That isn't something to be happy about?" Dimitri scolds but is shrugged off.

"So can you tell me why Felix told you to kidnap me from the ward?" I raise a brow walking beside him.

"I can take you back." Felix voice resonates. "Let you mingle with the crazies if that's what you want."

My eyes search for the voice stopping at the long hall behind me where he stood.

"What do you want? I really don't wanna even see your face." I sigh observing him cautiously.

He comes closer to me brushing a hair away from my face. "Aw, that's too bad." He smiles smugly.

"You look like shit you know?"

I see he's back to normal.

I slap his hand away. "Yea thanks, why am I here?"

"I just need your help with something and we're also getting rid of that." He points to my stomach. "Since you refused to drink the fucking tea yesterday."

I smiled tightly. "No."

He grabs my neck pulling me close. "It's not fucking his, get that through your damn skull."

"Yo lovebirds," Scarlett interjects. "So like can you guys save your lovers' quarrel for later? I didn't come here to watch a soap opera."

"And you are?" Feliz raised a brow in question.

"Scarlett, Mila's new friend." She gives a tight sarcastic smile.

He doesn't respond grabbing my hand pulling me forward.

"Anyway I need your help."

"Help with what?" I stare confused as he drags me further down the hallway leaving Dimitri and Scarlett.

"Watching my little brother, he's being a pissy bitch." He comments.

"You have a little brother?" My eyes light up. "I bet he's an angel."

We enter a room where a little boy sat in a corner playing with what looked like miniature knives.

"Alex." Felix called.

The boys' head turns to us and he stares blankly for a moment before he broke out into a razor sharp smile making me retract my earlier statement.


"I can hardly keep up with him." I sigh exhausted dropping myself on the floor beside an equally exhausted Felix.

"Is he always this rowdy?" I grumble.

"Mhm." Felix hums catching a sharp object before it hits his face.

I suddenly get an idea sitting up. "Hey Alex."

He turns his attention to me. "Yes?" He answers rudely.

I ignore it however. "Let's play a game." I suggest.

His eyes light up. "What game?"

"How about tag, I'll be it." I smile.

"Okay." He quickly agrees.

"I'll give you a ten second head start so start running."

He begins to run. I stand up taking the chance to catch my breath.

"Alright. Here I come." I yell chasing after him.

His laughter fills the hallways as I chased him. I couldn't help but laugh along.

He runs into a room and I corner him. He smirks vanishing briefly appearing behind me.

"No you didn't."

"That's cheating I can't teleport." I huff chasing running after him.

He's suddenly grabbed by his brother causing him to scream dramatically.

"Let me go she's coming after me!" He yells struggling in his brother's grasp as Felix laughed.

I smile mentally at the casual expression on his face. I've rarely seen him laughed so carefree before.

"Felix." I smirk.

"Hm?" He looks over at me.

"Hold him still." I smile devilishly.

He smirks in response. "Okay."

Alex gets scared as I approach him my hands stretched out menacingly in front of me as he continued his struggle to fight his brother off.


After our game of tag we all came back to the room. Shortly after Alex fell asleep along with Felix awhile ago.

I sit up in bed watching the two brothers with a small smile. Felix groans opening his eyes and they immediately fell on me.

He sits up groaning. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"Yea, you looked peaceful." I admit.

I smile at his brother's sleeping face. "He's looks so sweet when he's sleeping."

He doesn't respond to my comment. Alex curls up closer to me hugging my torso in his sleep which catches his brother's attention.

"He warmed up to you quickly." Felix mumbled.

"I guess I have a way with kids." I stroke Alex's hair smiling to myself.

"I guess."

"I was looking forward to living together and taking care of my kids with Angelo." I sighed disheartened as I rubbed Alex's head.

"I don't want to get rid of it, if there's a possibility that it's his." I mutter.

He groans messing with his hair becoming annoyed,

"Look Mila, it's not his." He states slowly.

His playful mood gone annoyance replacing it. "I'm not sure how many more times I have to say it, your obsession with him is fucking annoying at this point."

I cover Alex's ears to block out his brother's foul words glaring over at Felix.

"Lower your voice you'll wake him up." I scold.

"And it's not an obsession." I argued but I'm simply ignored.

He rolls his eyes getting up. "Let's go." He grabs my arm pulling me forward.

"Where are we going?"

"To get that parasite out of your stomach before it's too late." He replies sounding wary.

I protest pulling on my arm. "No, let me go." I yank at my arm.

"For fuck sake Mila." He lets me go slamming me on a nearby wall roughly.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Nothing good is going to come out of this if you have that child. So stop fucking whining and shut up." He snaps his face red with anger.

I stare blankly before breaking into a small fit of laughter. He lets me go glaring at me,

"The fuck is so funny?"

I continue to laugh. "Your face...is...red." I gasp out.

He rolls his eyes pulling my arm. "Shut up and come on."

"We need to get rid of it," He pulls me down the hallway appearing unusually anxious. "Before my dad—"

"Before I what Felix?"

A man appears in the middle of the hallway suddenly, large ram-like horns adorning his head, black eyes with red pupils that fitted his dark attired and a calm smile painting his face.

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