𝔪𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔭𝔱. 𝔱𝔴𝔬¹⁷

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Mila POV

I lay in my bed trembling, not bothering to clean up the blood between my legs. I stare up at my ceiling blankly dry tears on my cheeks.

I blink slowly exhaling as my phone pings for the hundred time.

I can't feel anything.

Not even the stinging pain between my legs, it's like my brain has just...shut down. I close my eyes pretending I was floating on water.

I'm slowly sinking, deeper and deeper to the bottom. Remaining perfectly calm as my lungs filled up with water.

Ignoring everything around me and just falling slowly into nothingness.

Yea, that sounds nice.

I smile my eyes still closed. My eyes open a second later when I feel my tears falling off my cheeks.

I slowly get up wiping them away. Picking up my phone I look at my notifications,

13 Messages from My Angel <3
12 Messages from Mom.
6 Messages from Dad :)
3 Messages from Bsf 🖤

7 Missed calls from My Angel <3
14 Missed calls from Mom.
12 Missed calls from Dad :)

I stare at the screen for a few minutes blankly before turning off my phone and throwing it on my bed.

I get up slowly wincing at the tugging between my legs. I stumble falling on my knees from the pain.

I stare at my reflection taking in how pitiful I looked right now. I notice the necklace turning black.

I begin to panic quickly going over to my closet opening it and hiding. A short moment later there's footsteps around my room.

I sob but quickly cover my mouth trying to quiet myself down. The footsteps stop suddenly and it's quiet for a few seconds. I close my eyes tightly silently praying.

Please, please go away.


My eyes snap open at the voice. The footsteps come closer to the closet and a second later the closet door swings open.

Felix eyes land on me cooped up on the floor.

"Why are you hiding?" He gives me a weird look.

I stay quiet staring at him, scared and unmoving. His eyes drift down to my bloody legs.

His face turns dark. "What happened?"

He goes to touch me but I shrink away. "Don't touch me." I cry.

He gets quiet and I slowly get up holding onto the closet door to support myself.

"I heard you were too good of a meal to pass up." I quote the guys words from earlier.

"So you disappeared for about a month and decided to recommend me to one of your demon friends? What am I a prostitute??" I snap upset and hurt.

"What?" He looked genuinely confused.

I look up at him trying to keep my composure but failed. "Your friend...raped me."

The words made me sick and the persons touch from before burns on my skin almost taunting me of what happened a few moments ago.

I tremble hugging myself as the moment flashed through my mind once again. "He just wouldn't stop..."

I look up at him desperately. "I cried and cried for you and you didn't come."

He stares at me blankly. "Well you burned sage to get rid of me, I mean it didn't work, lucky for you, I was just busy this entire time."


He chuckles. "And now what? you understand you need me around you wanted me to come back?"

I stare at him at loss for words but he continues however.

"You have a boyfriend don't you? Shouldn't he protect you? Oh wait he can't." He fakes a frown. "That's too bad—"

I couldn't stopped myself, I slapped him. "I was just fucking raped and there's not an ounce of empathy from you. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I scream my tears not stopping. "You said yourself that you'd protect me, that it wouldn't happen again but it did, and you weren't fucking there." I huff glaring at him through my tears.

I slowly calm down realizing what I did. "You were supposed to...protect me...you..." I drift off backing away.

He slowly turns his eyes to me, I stare terrified while black eyes stared back at me.

He approaches me and I flinch crying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean." I cry harder falling to my knees again. "Please don't hurt me I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He pauses for a moment and then there's a sigh.

"You love testing my patience don't you?" He mutters before kneeling down to me.

I flinch away. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He comes closer and I fight his hands away. "No please." I sob.

"Mila stop." He grabs my wrist stopping me before picking me up in his arms. "I'm gonna wash you off okay?"

I don't reply sobbing into his chest.


After Felix helped wash me off in the tub and explained that he didn't send anyone to sleep with me, he got me dressed in my pajamas before taking me to bed.

I stare at the wall ahead of me spacing out. I began to cry again, the memory replaying in my head on a loop.

"Calm down I'm right here." He hugs me tighter pulling me closer.

"For now, you'll just disappear again eventually." I mutter.

"What? You want me to stay now? What about your boyfriend." He mumbles nuzzling his face into my neck.

I become quiet turning around pushing my face into his chest. "I don't know what... I want but... I need you right now." I mumble. "So f-for now don't leave me..."

"Mhm." Was his response.

It's quiet for a few minutes before I speak up again,


"What?" He replies sounding a bit agitated.

"Why did you leave for so long...?"

He looks down at me. "I said I was busy."

"You've been busy before and you've never left for a month." I point out.

He stares for a moment before responding. "I needed space.

"Space from what?" I pry.

"From...things." He flattens

"What things—"

Running his hand through his hair becoming frustrated he sighs. "I don't know, now shut up."

I become quiet and for a couple minutes no one says anything at all. We just laid there, in each other's arms.

This feels nice...

He suddenly pulls me closer sighing into my neck. I decided to ask another question.


He groans. "What now?" He mumbles his head still buried in my neck.

I bite my lip nervously. "With the other girls...have you ever comforted them...like this?"

He doesn't pull away from my neck but his reply comes much slower than before. "No. I don't comfort them at all."

"Oh." Knowing that made me feel special just for a moment.

Neither of us say anything more. I contemplate his words as I slowly drifted to sleep in his arms, listening closely to his heartbeat.

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