𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔱 𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫³²

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Mila POV

I was finally home back in the comfort of my room.
It's been about a day since I've left the hospital.

Felix has been in an off mood as of late and I still haven't gotten the chance to explain everything to Angelo.

He didn't think talking about everything in the hospital would've been best so we settled for him to come over today to talk.

"Felix." I call walking out my bathroom. "Can I ask something? You don't have to answer."

"What is it?" He looks over at me.

"What happened to your mother? Your real mother." I clarify.

"Don't you know that already?"

"Not the full story." I sit on the bed.

"My dad kept her captive, raped her and forced her to give birth to me at the age of 17 and she died during labor." He sighs. "I was then in foster care until I turned 9 before getting adopted by Gwen and well you know how that went." He shrugs.

"Oh." My face falls. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He hums not looking at me. "Giving birth to a cambion, its straining on the human body, it constantly feeds on the host energy making them weak, that's why I didn't wanna let you keep it."

"Well...I'm ready to get rid of the baby now." I mutter. "Although I'm not really comfortable getting rid of a life..."

"You can't anyway."

"What do you mean?"

He sits up finally looking at me. "It's not possible to get rid of it now, I've already gave it blood there's a bond now." He sighs.

"Can you break it down in a way I can understand?" I ask confused.

He sighed as if talking about this was boring. "A cambion can be born from a forced awakening or natural. My dad forced the awakening so the first impulse of a demon is to feed persistently accelerating the deterioration of the body it's residing in."

He looks at me. "Receiving the blood from its rightful father stops it from killing the host since my demonic blood dominates it, however, it's impossible to get rid of it after that point. Trying to kill it will also result in your death."

"So e-either way I'll die..." I whisper shaken up.

"Mila—" He goes to touch me but I move away.

"I'm gonna die, wow..." I repeat not believing my ears.

"Calm dow—"

"Calm down? What the fuck do you mean calm down Felix?? You got me pregnant with the fucking anti-christ—"

He chuckled. "It's not the anti—"

"I don't give a fuck what he/she is." I begin to have a meltdown. "I'm still in school, getting head in the bathroom stalls was one thing but getting pregnant? By a fucking demon nonetheless." I mutter the last part under my breath.

"Mila." He calls but I continue my rant.

"I didn't wanna believe it but I've finally hit rock bottom, seriously. What has my life come to?"

"Mila." He calls more firmly but I'm too busy ranting.

"How would I even hide it? Would it even matter? I'm gonna die anyway—"

I'm interrupted when he pulls me close to him kissing me which takes me by surprise. I don't push him away but I don't pull him closer either.

He rubs my waist calming me down. "Shut up." He mumbles against my lips before deepening it.

I'm then lifted up and laid on the bed as he climbs on top of me still kissing me. We haven't kissed in awhile much less done anything.

"Felix...can't." I groan against his lips pushing on his chest but he grabs my wrist pinning then.

"Hm?" He moves his lips over to my neck kissing and sucking on several spots.

"We can't...A-Angelo's gonna be h-here soon." I inform lifting my chest for him to get off.

"I don't care." He nips my neck making me shudder. "I missed you, so let me touch you. Angelo can watch if he really wants to."


He licks a spot on my neck that always seemed to make my knees go weak. I shudder letting out a soft moan.

His hand goes to enter my shorts when my door swings open causing me to raise up abruptly pushing him off.

He falls off the bed cursing and I turn my head to see Angelo.


"Hi." I smile.

I'm horny.

"Sorry I didn't message, your mom just sent me up." He notices my flustered face. "You okay?"

"Yea uh I'm fine." I force a smile.

Felix comes back on the bed while Angelo keeps his distance opting to sit by my desk. There's kisses on my neck again and I roll my neck trying to get him to stop.

Pay attention.

"So you said you wanted to explain everything to me?" Angelo cuts to the chase.

Felix groans.


I hum in response ignoring him further, focusing my attention solely on Angelo and where I'd start with explaining every time.

"Um I don't know where to start it's a lot."

I feel Felix pull away from me. "I'm so sick of this shit." My eyes glance over to him momentarily.

"For fuck sake, it's alway fucking him." He yells shocking both Angelo and I.

"What just—" Angelo gets grabbed by his shirt collar roughly Felix finally revealing himself.

I immediately grow worried for Angelo's safety.

"Felix stop—"

"Shut up." He snaps.

I instantly fall quiet.

He looks over at Angelo. "Let me catch you up." He smirks bringing Angelo's face closer to his.

"I'm the guy who's been fucking your girlfriend before you were even a thought, and she kept running back even when she had you. What does that say about you hm? You can't fuck her right or what?" He taunts.

As that leaves his mouth Felix is punched and both boys begin to fight as I looked on scared and worried. Angelo was putting up a good fight but Felix being a demon easily overpowered him.

"Stop fighting..." I mumble. "Guys please?"

I groan feeling the pain from before slowly creeping up on me. They continue to throw punches at each other and I notice Felix's eyes glitching black.

Quickly growing annoyed I scream,

"Stop fucking fighting in my room. Please?" I begged.

I suddenly felt weak and dizzy.

"Felix...Angelo..." I pant trying to push down the pain emerging from my stomach.

"I'll explain everything just give... me a...minute."

This didn't go as planned.

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