𝔢𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔢¹ ++ 𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔩𝔠𝔶

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There's two ending btw Angelo's and Felix's.

• Angelo's Ending •

Omniscient POV

"Baby are you alright?"

Angelo questions concerned for his girlfriend who developed a habit of zoning out for several minutes at a time.

She shakes her head snapping out of her thoughts. "Uh yea, sorry." She apologized still a bit dazed.

"You've been zoning out a lot, is staying in my dorm boring you?" He joked however she doesn't laugh.

"It's not just...a lot on my mind." She mumbled.

He sits up her obvious sour mood raising his concerns.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"No." Came her almost silent response.

The room falls silent, a sour mood washing over it.

It's been about two years since Mila left her son and Felix to pursue her life on earth with Angelo who isn't aware of her past infidelity nor her pregnancy.

Everything involving Felix has been erased but the guilt still lives in Milas heart.

Angelo suddenly tackles her. "Since you're not gonna tell me what's wrong, there's a party later you wanna check it out? It might distract you from whatever is bothering you." He suggested with a hopeful smile.

She couldn't help but smile at his efforts to cheer her up which was working.

"Sure baby."

They share a short kiss before letting each other get dressed.


Music swallows their senses as they enter the raging party.

Mila clings to her boyfriend's arm as they made their way through the crowd to his friends.

Finally reaching his friends Angelo let's go of her hand to greet his friends.

"Hi fucker, Dré." She waves.

"Hi whore." Mordecai smiles.

Dré simply nods preoccupied with his blunt.

Mordecai smirks pulling out a bag of edibles. "I brought you some of this, heard your birthday was last week and you still can't smoke."

"I got better alright." Snatching the bag from his hands. "But thanks."

"Their strong so don't take more than two at once—"

Before he can finish she had already stuffed her mouth with four gummy bears.

"Shit Mila." Angelo stops her but she swallows it.

"Hm?" She raises a brow unaware of what Mordecai said.

"By the way...they raise your sex drive so have fun with that."

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