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Mila POV

I haven't heard from Felix or Angelo in two weeks, I've only really see Felix every few days for blood but he doesn't talk to me.

I sigh laying in bed when my mom walks in. "Hey honey...you okay?"

I glance at her. "I'm fine."

She points to my stomach. "You're getting chubby." She scrunches her brows at me. "You're...not pregnant are you?"

I don't reply staring at my ceiling.

What do you expect me to say?

She begins to say something but the house phone rings from downstairs cutting her off. She sighs leaving my room.

I look across at my mirror seeing my stomach it wasn't majorly big like how'd it would be if this was a normal pregnancy but all the symptoms stayed much less the same.

I rub it tenderly smiling sadly. "I never imagined I'd have a kid with a demon nonetheless."

"I wonder if your dad even wants you."

I sit up straight when Felix suddenly appears in the room. His hair disheveled and his clothes in a disarray as well as the high scent of sex lingering around him.


He doesn't even look my way as he replies. "Hm?"

"Can we talk?"

"About?" He takes off his hoodie and I notice there was now a tattoo on his upper back of roman styled cross.

"About?" He takes off his hoodie and I notice there was now a tattoo on his upper back of roman styled cross

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I admire it for a moment before shaking it off.

"Uh I just really wanted to talk to you and apologize." I admit.

This time he looks at me. "What're you saying sorry for exactly?" He raised a brow staring incredulously.

"I'm...everything I guess? I know I've hurt you and you've hurt me. So I just wanted to patch things up seeing as I might die in a few days when I give birth." I give him a weak smile.

His blank expression doesn't help my nerves dropping my gaze beginning to fiddle with my fingers.

"I've come to realize that you're not entirely a bad person, not saying you're good either but you're human at the end of the day and maybe I disregarded your feelings because you're half demon."

I sighed. "Plus you had your reasons for wanting to get rid of this baby and I ignored it because I was too caught up with my assumptions that it could be Angelo's. I'm sorry. I haven't been the best person to you or Angelo and the guilt is settling in over these past weeks."

"I'm really sorry." I look up at him slowly but his expression remained blank.

"Are you saying all this just to prepare my feelings again when you choose Angelo because frankly Mila I don't care." Was his cold response.

"I'm actually not sure...who I want anymore... I can't choose."

"It must be really comforting to know two guys are waiting for your choice huh?"

He suddenly approached me pushing me roughly onto the bed. "Since you're having so much fucking trouble let me help you."

"Do you want tender kisses and soft nothings in your ear because if so I can't give you that."

He stares at me smirking to himself as he unzips my hoodie leaning his head closer to my neck. "But if you want to be treated like nothing more but an object and be fucked to the point you can't talk then..."

He drifts off not needing to say any more as my thoughts had already pieced it together.

He kisses up my neck and I shiver my body becoming alight from his touch after so long.

"That's if you survive after all." He chuckles retreating from my neck.

"I thought you said you loved me wouldn't you want to treat me tenderly...?" I mutter confused.

"Oh you think it's the same innocent love as your boyfriend."

His eyes fade black towering over my body. "It's dark. Obsessive, possessive, impulsive and chaotic. To the point I think about chaining you up so you can't escape. You know that feeling don't you? All too well."

His hands wrap around my neck. "That's how you feel about Angelo, you don't want him with anyone else yet you slept with me. A object you merely wanted to possess."

He pulls me closer his eyes peering down at me with a glaring lust. "I want that side of you for myself. It's the only reason I love you."

I remain quiet at loss for words. Thankfully my words weren't needed as he kissed me roughly.

I whimper pulling him closer missing his touch. My heart raced frantically inside my chest caught between a crossroad once again.

He pulls my hips closer to his, at the same time a tinge of pain reverberated through my stomach and I groan but ignore it.

He pulls away kissing and biting my neck, marking me all over in an almost desperate manner. I sigh in ecstasy but groan in pain once again when the sensation in my stomach comes back stronger.

"Felix..." I whined.


"Something's wrong..."

He stops finally pulling away to look at me. "What do you mean?"

"My stomach...it—"

A searing pain courses through my entire body cutting me off and I bellow over in pain crying. My eyes immediately becoming blurry from tears as I screamed.

"Can't take it...it hurts..."

Through my panicked state I feel the dampness between my legs and so does Felix.

"Oh...your water broke..."

I continue to cry ignoring his obvious statement. He picks me up as I cried and screamed into his shoulder.

Felt like I was being stabbed over and over and over again.

"Shhh. You're gonna be fine."

"Felix..." I rasped choking back my pain.

"Yea angel?"

"Do you even...want this child...?" I look at him with a teary expression .

He wipes my tears but doesn't give me an answer.

We suddenly teleport, no longer in my room but in hell. We enter a large room meeting his dad and another older boy there waiting.

"Chase take her, she's going into labor."

Chase walks up to me taking me from Felix making me uneasy.


"It's okay, don't worry." Chase comforts and I'm taken by him to another room.

"Don't let her die."

Chase doesn't reply merely glancing at Felix one last time before entering the dark room.

I'm quickly laid onto a bed and Chase disappears for a moment before returning with medical equipment.

Setting them down beside me he approaches my head smiling at me.

"You really are quite cute when you cry."

His smile falls and his eyes become dark nothing but blackness remaining.


My vision blurs and sleep slowly becomes of me.

A/N: merry christmas 😭

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