𝔩𝔲𝔠𝔨𝔶 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔪⁹

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Mila POV

I walk into school my legs sore. He didn't stop fucking me. I'm not even sure how many times I passed out but whenever I came to he just started up again.

I cried and begged for a break but he just...kept going.

"Ugh I feel sick." I hold my stomach.

I walk up to my locker opening it and packing my books inside. I close it with a groan leaning my head again the door.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I glance beside me to see Maria. "Stomach ache." I mumble.

"Wanna go to the nurse?"

"Yes please." I sigh.

She grabs my hand walking me to the main school office where the nurses office was. When we arrived the nurse takes me to a back room to lay down.

"I'll write a pass for your class, if it gets worse by the beginning of next period I'll call your parents." She hands me a hot water bottle. "Use this in the meantime."

I take it gratefully. "Mhm thank you."

She leaves after that. I turn on my side pulling out my phone messaging Angelo.

"Baby I'm sick ☹️"

I watch the chat bubble appear for a moment before a message comes through.

"What's wrong ma?"

I bite my lip sending another message. "My stomach hurts."

"You in the nurses office?"

"Yea. :( "

He sends a voice note. "I'll come see you after class."

"I really love this man voice." I mumble to myself replying with an "ok."

I sigh shutting off my phone and relaxing in the bed trying to ignore the aching of my stomach.


I walk into my house sighing. "Mommm, Dadddd, I'm back from school." I yell through the house shutting the door.

They both enter the entry way smiling creepily.

"Uh the hell?" I stare at them weirdly.

My mother smiles. "We got you something."

I raise my brow. "You bought me something on your anniversary?"

"Yea, whats the problem?" My dad questions.

You guys spoil me too much.

I change the subject. "What did you get?"

My mother pulls out a satin bag handing it to me with a proud smile. I take it from her slowly opening it.

There was a necklace inside. I pull it out looking over it, it was a crystal necklace. It had a weird aura around it and the color looked almost ethereal.

A white almost clear crystal attached to a small silver rose made to look similar to a pendant.

A white almost clear crystal attached to a small silver rose made to look similar to a pendant

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I look back up at them. "It's really pretty thank you." I smile grateful.

"We got it from an occult shop." My mother points out.

My eyes widen. "I'm sorry what?"

"The lady said it's completely harmless and it's meant to protect you, it's fine~" She quickly exits avoiding the conversation.

I turn my head to my dad but he raises his hand in defense.

"Don't look at me it was her idea. I just paid." He shrugs.


Laying in bed I hold up the necklace over my head examining it.

It seems normal enough.

I squint my eyes when a notice a dark spot in the center of it. The blackness of it slowly begins seeping into the original clear color of it as though it was becoming stained.

I quickly sit up, now intrigued holding it away from my face, just incase it caught on fire or something.

Felix appears in my room and the crystal turns almost completely black.

"What's that?" He asks referring to the necklace.

"A gift from my parents, I think..." I get up from my bed walking closer to him and the necklace goes completely black not a single speck left of its original color.

I step away from him and a little white begins to seep through the black. I glance between the necklace and him as he watches confused.

"I think this can detect stuff like you." I mumble.

"That's nice." He replies clearly uninterested.

I raise my brow at him. "Is something wrong?"

He climbs in my bed exhaling deeply. "Nah I'm just tired."

"Um take a nap?" I suggest.

"Can't, he's probably gonna call me back soon." He mutters.

"Who's he?" He said that the last time too and I forgot to ask about it.

"My dad."

"Who is—"

"What's with all the fucking questions today?" He looks at me.

I get quiet. "Sorry..." I turn away from him putting on the necklace

"So fucking annoying."

His comment ticks me off.

"You're fucking annoying." I mutter under my breath.

I turn around to face him and become startled when he pops up right in-front of me.

"Say that again?"

I stay quiet not repeating myself and he goes to say something but stops rolling his eyes.

"For fuck sake." He disappears.

I stood in place dumbfounded once again. "Okay..."

double update because this chapter's a filler.

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