𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨²⁶

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Mila POV

I sigh walking into my English class. "Ah Mila welcome back." My teacher welcomes.

"Thanks." I walk to the back of the class getting in my seat. 

Angelo walks in with his friends and I avoid his gaze putting my head down. Just seeing his face makes me wanna cry.

What makes it worse, he sits directly behind me. I feel him brush my arm as he makes his way to his seat.

"Alright class, we're gonna be starting your thesis essays today to submit to creative writing competition, the winners will be offered a scholarship to their desired college."

The teacher announced handing out paper.

"Also you have the option to work in groups if you'd like and compose a short story of sorts."

He walks back to his desk. "If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask. Get to work." He sits in his chair grabbing a stack of folders with unmarked assignments. "Also try to keep the noise down."

I snap my hair tie nervously before turning around. "Uh um do you want to..." I drift off when he's already getting up going over to someone else.

He sits down by a girl pairing up with her. I watch dejectedly for a moment turning back around in my seat.

Pulling out my phone and plugging my ear buds in I played some music to calm down before beginning my assignment.


As I'm walking to the cafeteria for lunch I spot Angelo a few feet ahead of me. Hopeful I run up to him grabbing his arm.


He turns around to look at me his face blank.


"Uh hi..." I drift off.

He looks down at his arm as I'm still holding it and I quickly let it go.

"Yea, hi. Did you want something?" He raises a brow.

I open my mouth to speak but close it quickly unsure of what to say, feeling intimidated by his cold demeanor.

"I um, I just..."

"Hm?" He hums itching me to spit it out.

Miss you.

Before I can say my thoughts he's called out by someone.

"Hey, Angelo." The girl from earlier approaches us.

"Wanna grab lunch together?" She smiles at him.

"Yea sure."

They both turn to me and she smiles,

"Hey, Mila right? I'm Imani."

She outstretches her hand to greet me but I ignore it staring at her blankly.

"Yea, hi."

Her hand falls to her side again awkwardly turning to Angelo.

"Uh I'll meet you in the cafeteria."

He nods and she glances back at me awkwardly before walking off in the direction of the cafeteria.

He finally turns back to me. "You wanted to tell me something?"

"Uh um..." A thousand thoughts jumbled in the recesses of my mind as I tried to get my words out but couldn't.

I miss you.

I begin to tremble becoming anxious as he became further annoyed with me.

"Mila spit it out." His tone turns snappy.

I flinch a little. "Uh no...never...never mind." I drift off backing away.

"Sorry, enjoy your lunch."

My voice breaks and I turn around retreating to the bathroom to hide myself away before I started crying.


By the end of school, my eyes were puffy and red.

I sat on one of the benches impatiently waiting for Maria to show up so I can be dropped home. I watch as everyone left, ripping open a box of pocky.

My eyes notice Angelo's car pulling out the parking lot and I clench the box of pocky in my hand seeing the same fucking girl from earlier in his passenger seat.

"Mila you're crushing the pocky bruh." Maria suddenly comes up to me grabbing it out of my hand. "Why are you crushing them?" She complains opening the box.

I take my eyes off of Angelos car looking over at her.


That's when I notice her appearance, her hair was messy and her eyes looked dazed almost. My eyes once over her body seeing her legs shaking.


"Hm?" She hums eating my snack.

"Are you fucking one of those things?" I twist my face at her in disappointment. "You smell and look like sex."

"You mean the incubi? Yea." She smiles sitting next to me gushing. "I had sex like three times today."

"If you have sex with those things too much you'll die." I warn wide eyed.

"But it feels really good, I don't think I can go back to normal sex." She smiles distantly.

"You're gonna get yourself killed."

"Who cares." She nibbles on a pocky shrugging indifferently.

I quickly grow concerned taking note to talk to Dimitri about it later since I'm not talking to Felix.

"You look like shit." I comment.

"I guess that makes two of us? Your eyes are all puffy. Were you crying?" She points out.

"Mhm I've been crying all day to be honest." I admit rubbing my eyes.


I pause turning my eyes to her.

"I got broken up with what the fuck do you mean why Maria?" I snap unintentionally.

"Don't get snappy it was just a fucking question, go get some dick or sum you're being bitchy." She glares.

"Dick seems like all you can think about lately." I return her glare.

"You're the one who cheated on her ex through the whole relationship." She mutters rolling her eyes but I caught her comment clearly.

It falls silent and I sigh getting up and grabbing my stuff.


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