Chapter 55- Professor Slughorn

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I spent the rest of the week at the burrow and then I returned home. The rest of the summer was frankly very boring. Rupert and I got along very well and Roma and I were still working on our bond. Fred and I only hung out once in a while. I hadn't visited the joke shop yet. Harry had owl'd me and asked me to join him in the Muggle world for a night. Obviously, I said yes.

I stepped out of the shower and then used a spell to dry my hair. I slipped on some baggy jeans and a brown button up cardigan that had little mushrooms sewn onto it, then my brown converse.

"I'm off now." I said to Roma and Rupert, both of whom were sitting in the living area by the stairs.

"See ya kiddo." said Rupert.

"Bye darling." said Roma.

I stepped in the fireplace and then spoke out loud and clear.

"Four Privet Drive, Surrey!"

Like usual, I landed on all fours in the living room of the Dursley's. I got up onto my feet and the shrieking woman stopped shrieking and looked at me wide eyed.

"What is it Petunia?" asked a man as he walked into the living room.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me and the green flames in the fireplace that soon went off. He was a fat man with a blond bushy mustache and bushy eyebrows.  The woman on the other hand was skinny with short brown hair. Behind the man, who I presumed to me Mr. Dursley, was a kid about my age maybe that looked just like his dad. He was eyeing me with disgust but shock, just like everyone else.

"Hello." I said to them. "You must be the Dursley's."

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" asked Mr. Dursley.

"I'm y/n Black, Harry's sister. Well, not really sister but you get the point." I said.

"Potter!" shouted the man. "Get down here!"

"Yes?" asked Harry as he walked downstairs and then his face of misery changed to happiness once he saw me. He rushed to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hello Harry." I said to him.


"You knew she was coming, boy?" asked Mrs. Dursley.

"Yes?" he said in a 'duh' tone.

"I wonder how she can be friends with you." said Dudley.

"I wonder how anyone can be friends with you." I said, causing Harry to laugh lightly and the Dursley's to give me nasty glares.

"You're that murderers daughter, aren't you?" asked Mr. Dursley. "The one that we heard about."

"Don't talk about him." I said with a shift of emotions and tone. "And he wasn't a murderer."

"Isn't he dead?" asked Dudley with a smirk.

"Would you like to find out?"

There was a silence as the boys eyes widened and he stepped back. The Dursley's shot glances at me and Petunia was turning a bright red.

"Well, we'll be off now." said Harry as he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said.

"You cut your hair. It looks good on you."

"Thank you Harry."

We walked together on the sidewalk and talked about our summer. He told me all about how bad the Dursley's were but how he was already used to it.

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