Favorability Part 2

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Daichi's POV

I was watching the team practice while waiting for the other members to arrive. I hear the gym doors open and saw Hinata walking in with the usual indifference look. I greeted him and pet his head, he seems to like it.

His hair is so fluffy that you can't get bored touching it everyday. Suddenly something appeared infront of me! It's a...........


I froze in place and look at this screen thingy infront of me confusedly.

[Hi....Uh...I'm...Oh wait..I don't have a name...Just call me system...Or..Whateves. I'm a system that's gonna help you capture Shoyo Hinata's heart.]

'What??...Wait what???...Am i hallucinating??'

[Nope, your not. This is real my dude (‘~' )]

'You can read my mind?!'

[We're bound together, so of course. Duhhh, isn't it obvious?? What a stupid human.]


Suddenly someone pinched me. Oww!!? I look down at Shoyo who is pouting. I blush at the face his making and pat his head with a chuckle. I told Shoyo i was going somewhere then ran outside.

'Now, explain everything to me.'

I sit down at a bench and look at the screen with crossed arms, waiting for the screen's explaination.

[Like i said, i'm the system who helps you my host, capture Shoyo Hinata's heart. How??? Simple. Just make his favorability in you rise
(¬ ¬ )]


[Say Shoyo Hinata or think. I dunno, either way is fine ( - -)]

"Shoyo Hinata?"

Another screen pops up infront of me. I read the thing thats on there.

Target of Love: Shoyo Hinata

Favorability: 5% likes you like a brother

Shoyo Hinata likes: Daichi Sawamura, Sugawara Koshi

Shoyo Hinata Dislikes: x꙲x꙲x꙲x꙲x꙲x꙲  (You are not permitted to know of this player)

Feeling: Happy, Annoyed

I nod in understandment. So that's how you'll know if he likes you or not.

'But....Hinata likes Suga?'

[Yeah, duuuhhhh isn't it obvious??]

I clenched my fist wanting to punch the screen, but i don't think i can because it seems untouchable.

'Who's this tho? On the dislike? I can't read their name'

[I also don't know. But it seems he's a bug. Be careful host.]

'Alright. I want to ask you, why did you appear just now?...'

[That's because Shoyo Hinata likes you, as a brother tho pfft!]

I really wanna punch this screen.

[If you like Shoyo Hinata, and he also likes you back. That's where i appear, i only appear when the favorability is 4% up tho. But if he's interested in you....Well that's another story. If he's interested in this host then that host is quite lucky and has a chance to raise his favorability up]

'I see.....What happens if the favorability drops down to 3% below?'

[Ugh, isn't it already obvious?? The system disappears and you won't know if Shoyo Hinata's favorability on you will rise again! Shoyo Hinata is a tricky person! He hides behind a mask! And pretends to be easy but no!! He's actually not!]

I look at the screen with a surprised look. Well...That is true...Hinata is quite a mysterious person..And he seems to pretend and not care alot.

[That's why you have to raise your favorability atleast around 10%! Because Shoyo Hinata get's bored easily, and it will be a veeery long journey to capture his heart!]

'I understand, i will try my best'

[Good i guess.]

I stand up and stretch my arms. I sould start today! If i can't get it up at 10% today....Then tomorrow it is! Let's just try our bestest! And Sugawara definitely has a system like me...He'll start raising Hinata's favorability today because his favorability is probably around 4% so he will definitely raise it.

'From now on...We are rivals Suga'

[Well duhhhhh, it's literally obvious! Even a stupid person knows that!]


I clench my fists in annoyance. Then i started running back to the gym.

To be Continued!

Part 2 finished!!!

Now how will Sugawara and Daichi raise the favorability of Shoyo hnn???~

Well....I also don't know!!! ^w^

Hope ya'll enjoyed todays chapter!
And have a great day/evening!!! ✿✿✿

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