Chapter 41 ~The system that covered their existence~

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(Long Chapter Ahead)

Daichi's POV:

I was discussing something with my system. And its about Atsumu Miya since I was curious about him..

Was he the one that deactivated our systems? Whats the reason? And how did he do that?

What relationship does he have with Hinata? Does he also have a system like us??...

[Well, host. I can't really find any information about him, but.]

'But what...?'

[What I do know is that he ALSO has a system.]

'Wait what??...If he has a system then.....Does that mean Hinata likes him?...Didn't you say in order to get a system, The target of love must also like the host back??...'

[Yeah, I did say that. Surprised you still remembered. And here I thought you were starting to turn into an old man hahaha!]

[The Mischievous one laughed out loud while the rest looked at him in a weird way.]

This system.....How do you punch a system when they don't have a physical body?...

'..Say...I was wondering...Do you have like....A human body?'

[Humm~....I do, but back then when I first became your system, I don't have a body, I was just a ball of light floating around a dark space. But now I have one since I have finally been upgraded]

'Then...Can you appear right infront of me?'

[Mm, sure sure]

[The Mischievous one stood up from his seat]

I was waiting for my system to come out, and if possible, maybe I can strangle him?...

While I was thinking, I saw a light appeared infront of my window and saw....A mini male human body with blonde hair and red eyes. His facial expression is sharp, but the smirk plastered on his face made him look playful.

He was quite handsome not gonna lie. When I imagined him meeting with Hinata...My face darkens....

This man is too handsome...What if...What if Hinata falls inlove with him at first sight..?

But I shook my head and laughed, who am I kidding? I'm the only person who can see him. So theres nothing to be worried about.

"So this is how you look like"

[Yeah? I know I'm so handsome, so theres no need to look at me with those jealous eyes host Daichi! Its not like I'm gonna steal Shoyo Hinata away from you?...Or will I?]

[The Mischievous one smirks as he pinches his chin]

Without knowing, I reach out for the system and attempt to crush him with my hand, but unfortunately....My hand went through him and I didn't manage to squeeze him to death.


[My my! Were you just trying to kill me Host Daichi??? Oh my! How scary you are! Buwahahahaha!]

Dammit....It was just a hologram..It wasn't his real body..

[If you kill me, who would help you with Shoyo Hinata, hm? Remember. Shoyo Hinata is bound to me, and if I die....His feelings for you would moooooost likely disappeared in thin air!]

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