Chapter 3: So That's where I know them from!!!

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The wolves growled at me with fury as a few got ready to lunge at me. One of the wolves moved forward with another wolf that had white fur around its mouth and lower legs and a dark blue star on his forehead, huh, I feel like I have seen that somewhere.

The leader looked at me with his golden orbs, as he looked at me I could feel a sense of dread fill me before it evaporated completely, he looked shocked for a second before using some sort of telepathy to speak, "who are you And what have you come for?" He said with a snarling face.

I gave him a smirk, "greetings wolf my name is Regulus Corneas, but feel free to call me master. I will be taking charge of you starting today." The wolf seemed ready to pounce at me so I quickly continued, "But of course you won't let me do that will you?"

The wolf seemingly scoffed, "Of course not, we are a pack of dire wolves. Our claws can tear down any enemy and our fangs can chew any monster to pieces, not to mention you are outnumbered by 225 to one who are you to demand our servitude!??" I didn't really think of him much in the beginning but I feel as though he would be loyal after witnessing my power, I would make him my first subordinate, I didn't particularly care about the other dogs I guess I could tell him to forsake his position of leader if someone was able to defeat him other than me of course that would just be unfair, although... He does seem pretty proud, good, It wouldn't do good for any of my servants to not be proud or strong, my decision made I looked at him with a smile creepy enough to make Echidna proud, "I suppose I have to repeat for your weak dog brains to Fully comprehend, I am Regulus Corneas the person that will become the strongest person in the world, Be honoured for you will be one of my first subordinates, I say as I look at him straight in the eyes. And then...

Gospel: Master...Didn't you say you didn't care about creating subordinate???

Regulus: *Sweating bullets* We-Well I thou—

Gospel: No need for any explanation, I know you like dogs and that one seems to act like how your dog acted in the previous world right?

Regulus: ...Yeah Pretty much.

I say as I rub the back of my neck. The second I do so a wolf pounced at me, I simply used sloth to break its neck before it could get to me.

The leader looked at me with shocked eyes, he turned around and looked at the other wolves, he grunted as the other wolves charged at me.

It was a one sided slaughter. I didn't even need any other authority other than sloth. Used sloth to kill a lot of the wolves before they even came near me, and the few that came near enough found themselves torn apart by the 100 hands I had refused to send out, a few even got crushed by the hands before being picked up and then tossed towards the furious leader that looked at me with shock and, as I had expected, a twisted sense of admiration I smirked before continuing the carnage.

Wolf leader *Pov*

This was madness!! How could a single human be able to take down 50 wolves by himself?!!

This... This was...

"Father, we need to stop this!!!" my son cried out as he looked at the man with quivering paws. I continued to look at the man in a daze.

67 wolves were dead now...

75 Wolves dead...

87 Wolves dead...

"This is beautiful..." I whispered under my breath but by the sound of my son's shock it seems he heard it pretty clear.


He questioned me. " My son... If I die I want you to follow this man to the depths of hell itself."


Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now