A new look.

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The sound of clashing metal sounded throughout the plains on the far outskirts of Blumund, near a small camp was Reinhard and Elsa who were currently sparring, neither of them were using their normal weapons instead opting to use standard swords brought to them by the elves that had been saved by Regulus and Reinhard, both of them were sparring with small smirks on their faces.

Off to the side where the camp was situated was Hatti who was curled up around Regulus who was lying on the ground while leaning on Hatti's stomach, the three elves that had been saved by Regulus were all here, Carla was petting Hatti who leaned into her touch with a satisfied groan, while Magnolia was talking with Azure who was still in her maid attire.

Regulus had been listening to them intently and apparently Azure had finished her apprenticeship under a butler named Hayate, who was the young head butler of Blumund's Castle. Soon enough, after Reinhard and Elsa's spar had ended in an overwhelming victory by Reinhard, they sat down to eat some food and it was then, while eating some bread and soup that had been graciously made by Azure, that he decided to ask the elves.

"The dwelling of the spirits?" Magnolia Asked in a curious voice, "I've heard of it but I am not sure why you would wish to go there..."

He took another bite of bread, "I'll tell you but answer the question first."

Magnolia nodded, "Yes, I can take you there, there's several entrances and I happen to know of the one near our previous settlement, but it was closed down a few years back, the other one I know of is the one from my parents village, it's a nature park in kingdom called Republic of Ulgrasia...but..."

"But?" Regulus raised an eyebrow, his other...teammates looked at her expectantly, Magnolia Gulped, "you see...the gate, as well as the kingdom itself was taken over by members of the witch cult not long ago..."

The atmosphere immediately grew dark for everyone except Reinhard and Regulus both of whom, being new to the world, had no idea why this was such a big deal. 'Although Regulus-Sama did say that he was a part of the witch cult back then...' magnolia thought looking intently at Regulus, who finished his bowl of soup "That was Delicious Azure." Regulus said with a polite smile, Azure bowed her head "I am glad you like it Regulus Sama." She said with a smile.

Magnolia took the moment to ask her question "Regulus sama" Regulus looked at her with a raised brow, "Aren't you a member of the witch cult as well?"Everyone present looked at regulus with an expectant look. Regulus closed his eyes as he let out a long sigh, "how do I explain this..." he said his eyes closed, and while they thought he was simply asking a rhetorical question, in reality he was asking a genuine question to Gospel.

Gospel: Hmm, I got an idea but you will have to give me control over your body. Think you can do that.

Regulus: I don't know gospel... You seem pretty evil and chaotic to me...

Gospel: Oh and you AREN'T?

Regulus: *Sigh* Okay fine...

And for single moment, he lost all consciousness, and the next time he woke up he was now standing with the rest of them bowing down to him, 'eh?'

Gospel: Basically speaking, now you are someone who was blessed by the witches as they didn't like where the current leader, who was blessed only by the witch of envy, was going with the cult, You wish to defeat him and take over the cult and steer in the right direction and at the end make it one of the respected religions of the world.


Gospel: that's oddly accepting of you...

Regulus: well there's nothing I can do about it now... but you better tell me the long version of the story soon.

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now