chapter 30: Weak

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*Yn/Regulus Pov

"So...Sung Jin Woo's body regrew his arm and disappeared into purple particles while I was asleep?"

"Yes. His body could no longer stand the contant rejection from the will of the world after being weakened that much."

"Hmm...and what about the damage caused to the labyrinth?"

"Well Ramiris was pissed off but after promising to repair it she let us off the hook... we need to get her a packet of cookies by the way."


"...I need to get her a packet of cookies."

"*nod* good Gospel."


"Stay the fuck down."

"...*snifle* Ok..."

I sat on a makeshift throne I had made using Lust, and on my feet was Gospel who's head I was using as a foot rest. She was looking down so I couldn't see her facr but I could see the occaisonal tear drops falling to the ground.

I would've felt bad had It not been for the fact that I had almost died because of her.

"Moving on" I said. "You said I have a connection with everyone I named and you can see through that connection right? How's everyone doing?"

"Hmm" she stayed silent for a moment before speaking up "Hatti and Puck are about to reach the goblin village, Rimuru has already fought Shizue but doesn't seem like she will wake up for a few days."

So I could still make it time to try saving her.

Plot convenience is epic.

"As for a Reinhard and Elsa they've completed their mission andare still on the outskirts of the village on the look out for the Orc army whenever it arrives. It seems most of the population itself has been evacuated, with the only people still in the village being a fifty ogres that were loyal to their chief and the chief himself is in his house awaiting the army."

"I see..."

If I meet the ogre chief, the first thing I do will be to punch him square in the face. Fuck honor, start running you idiot, you think your children will be happy you sacrificed your self for no reason?!!

"Umm...when are you gonna forgive me?"



"But what? You think I'll forgive you trying to kill me because you promised to be my slave? You think I am Rimuru?"


I leaned back into the chair as I thought about everything that happened while putting my other leg on her back. I couldn't take one thing put of my mind though...

With the authorities I was untouchable but without them...even without them I held my own for a few minutes at best. A second longer and I would've definetly died.

A lot of the people in this world are overpowered, didn't Hakuro get hit with an attack that had space elements that prevented him from healing? Fuck the Paradox skills even mediocre skills with the space element could end me with a well placed hit.

I am weak.

Doesn't matter how much of a cheat code my atuhorities are, this world is a game with a community exclusively consisting of cheat code users. The demon lords, the primordial demon, Rimuru in a month or so, the ogres in another couple of months and even Myulan is stronger than me if we go by simple deadliness towards me. Even with the use of Authorities I am no where near the level of piwer that Is incoming in roughly an year or so.

A cheatcode isn't powerful if there are stronger cheats activated at the same time.

Fine then. I'll play this by this worlds rules.



"You are fundamentally a skill aren't you? Does that mean you have contact with the voice of the world?"

"Well yeah...why do you ask?"

"Can you request for skills like Great sage?"


Fic's going on Hiatus after this, I got like 7 Projects. And I have my exams starting 22. I'll be back though so don't worry.

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