Chapter 24: Surprise motherfucker.

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??? Pov.
(Lets be honest...everyone knows who this is so I am writing a chapter jùst for him.)

Baran smirked before bowing to me. "It seems we have won my liege." He said in a proud manner, but heres the thing.

"How's that right arm of yours?" I asked. He thought I wouldn't notice it but his right arm was swollen and with an impact like that it was clear that it had been broken. "And you why are you clutching your stomach like that?" I turned to the frost monarch who had a faint trickle of purplish blue blood running down the side of his mouth. He'd been punched in the stomach and was thrown 7 to 8 feet away in to the walls. Internal bleeding was there without a doubt. "The two of you can be as proud as you want, but all I saw was two monarchs being thrown across the room by a 'lowly' human that you then killed because of your numbers." I said. The two lowered there heads. I couldn't help but be furious at this. How could they say they won so proudly when they were clearly struggling.

If there was a body left I could have tried and turned him into a shadow. He'd probably butt heads with bellion for the postion of grand marshal...

"Thanks to you a strong Human just died and I couldn't even turn him into a shadow. Even if I wished since there is no body or soul."

Baran looked up with wide eyes. "My liege... That attack doesn't harm the soul in anyway."


《Notice: Incredibly high amounts of blood lust detected.》

I materialised both my daggers as I got ready to fight whatever this thing was.

Both the monarchs got ready as well. We waited for 2 minutes or so when we finally heard it.

"As the three beings watched the white haired male slowly reapeared behind the demon who thought he had caused his demise..."

The white haired guy suddenly emerged behind Baran with a wide Maniacal grin. His right arm in the shape of a sword. He slashed down at Baran, but rather than get beheaded he was cut up into multiple blocks of square in an instant.

Both the frost monarch and I quickly backed up.

《Notice: Entering Boss battle.》

Shit...I materialised the kamish daggers infront of me and threw the ones in my hand at the man. I geabbed Kamish's daggers and charged at him at nearly the same speed as my daggers. I stabbed them right into his stomach only for them to not even make a dent.

"Tch"I flew back and landed above Baran's body that hadn't turned into a rune for some reason. I was going to look back at the white haired man but then I saw It. I widened my eyes as I saw baran's eyes moving and in pain. He was cut up into pieces. Yet he was still alive.

No one deserved this...not even these fuckers.

I was just about to question him when I heard the frost monarch taking off his upper body robes. He materialised to massive scythes and charged at him before I could say anything. I was about to follow when I hear another Notification...

《Notice: Outside Interference detected.》

The world around me stopped and lost its color I could see the brat about to touch the frost Monarch's face.

That sounded weird.

《Notice: Recieving message from


The what?

《Notice: special quest Generated.》

Huh? I looked through the quests menu.

《Special quest: Show Regulus Corneas the 'truth'.

Rewards : 50 levels.

Individual Regulus Corneas is the leader of the Witch Cult's Radical faction. However He is currently held back by his false view of the world. Use the "King's key"to send him to Ginnungagap where he will be shown the 'Truth'

Note: The Kings Key will be added to your inventory when you accept the quest.》

Fi-fifty Levels?!

What the hell is going on?!

Who the fuck is Axiom?!

How the fuck did he get into the System?!

I gulped. I had no Idea what was going on. The system had just now been, essentially, hacked and I had no Idea who this Axiom guy was...But fifty levels...I remember I was struggling when I fought these two. I can't let that happen again...

I gulped once again.

《Do you accept?


I tapped on yes.

《Recieved message.》

Huh another one?

《I shall watch you and your path with great Interest. I have faith in your abilities to be superior to Regulus. Do not dissapoint me Shadow monarch.》

The message ended as the world returned back to how it was. I Looked back at the frost monarch only to see him on the ground similar to how Baran was. I pointed at Regulus with my knife. "Sung Jin Woo" I said as the armor around me dissapeared to reveal me with my long hooded overcoat.

He smiled in a creepy way. The frost monarch's pieces started breaking into pure Mana before being absorbed by Regulus same for Baran.

"I know" he said

He pointed at me with his right palm "And I want a spar" white fire materialised in his arms before blasting at me.

I smirked. "Glad to do so" he blasted the flames at me and i charged through it.
Yeah once agia small chapter but fast update so its good right?

Dear rare gems...this time I want votes...please Vote if you liked this chapter.

See ya next chapter!!!

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