Chapter 32: Null and Full

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"-I ended up killing her even though she was a close friend." Shizu said looking up at the roof of the tent, light from the sky lights falling right on her, glowing her face with the golden light.

She told us everything, no matter how vague her own memory may have been she told us how she arrived here how she was possesed by ifrit after and right now she was talking about how she was forced to kill her close freind.

It was incredibly sad hearing her story. I could see that Regulus was angry as well if the curled knuckles were any indication but he was trying his best not to do show it.

"After she died I continued serving Demon Lord Leon as one of his closest aides..." she closed her eyes as though to let the memories go back into her mind, "till the day I met her..."

"Her?" Regulus said the question in my mind.

She opened her eyes and for the first time since she started talking about her past, "the hero" she stated as a fact.

"There was a fight and Leon had left his castle in our care"

Regulus stiffened for just a second, looks like i wasn't the only one that noticed the plural.

Something was amiss here...

"I faced the hero in a fight, I don't know whether it was me or whether it was Ifrit but it only took a few sword strikes and exchanges to know that I couldn't win." She attempted to get up as she reached for her mask but i quickly got the mask and handed it too her.

She looked tired, ready to give up, she was someone that'd had enough and just wanted to rest.

"I remember crying so hard.... She took me under her wing after that but after some time she ended up leaving as well... 'We'll meet again one day' is what she told me but as you can see..." She gave a dry chuckle.

"Slime-san..." She called out to me... "Can you please do me a favour?"

As I was about to speak out Regulus cut me off

"Wait!" He suddenly stood up from where he was sitting "I have a way to save you."

If I could smile I would.

"Shizu San! Hear that?!" I said it excitedly only for it to Disappear as I stared into her hollow eyes, she gave me a smile, an emotionless one she put a hand on my head and pointes it down as though to try and avert my gaze.

"I would love that Regulus-san... But"

I heard her sniffling as she tried to form words to speak "I-I am just... So tired..."

I didn't have the heart to tell her I could see her crying.

"I just...I hate this world so much...I don't care if people call me a coward... I'd rather die than live a few years of happiness only for the happiness to be taken by this world again..."

"...I see..." Regulus turned around to leave "... I'll send in the elves... They have the right to a farewell at the very least"

He went out of the tent I sat still when Shizu-san told me to do it.

"Eh? Don't you-" I tried to speak but she cut me off

"No...I wouldn't be able to die peacefully if  I were to see them." She said.

"... Goodbye Shizu-san..." I didn't try to convince her any further, I used predator to consume all of her.

Rimuru: great sage...

Great sage: yes.

Rimuru: give her a world as close to her personal heaven as possible.

Great sage: understood

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now