Chapter 10 Prelude to war (+Announcement)

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Sorry for the this extremely short update

*Regulus pov*

Gazel Dwargo did not look happy right now, in fact he looked like he was about to explode! " think your disgusting kind was allowed to step foot into the kingdom" he jumped off his seat and down to the ground before unsheathing his sword, he held it up and pointed at me to which Reinhard moved in front of me, holding up the sword he picked up from the would be executioner of kaijin in response both Elsa and Hatti came closer to me with Hatti even growling in aggression. Off to the side Rimuru was panicking a lot Vesta and the dwarfs included, and I was honestly the same with them... I was sweating a lot of bullets

Eh? Eh?! EH?!

Regulus: Go-Gospel!!

Gospel: ...Yes?

Regulus: I thought I was the only one with the archbishop title?!!

Gospel: ...ah well-

Regulus: And you knew about this didn't you?! You were the one who told me to add the witch cult to my title!! You just had me destroy all possible relations with Dwargon!!!

Gospel: Calm down!! You are gonna help no one if you start panicking!!

Regulus: Fine...

I wiped off the small amount of sweat that had begun forming on my brows. "Reinhard" He looked back at me with a questioning expression "fight with Gazel as long as you can, don't kill him" he nodded looking back at Gazel it wasn't long before both jumped at each other, "Elsa?" I looked at her before smirking "Kill that bastard" she looked at me with a beaming smile before pouncing at Barbaros like a lioness jumped at her prey, "Hatti, Take the dwarves and leave them with your son and the goblins, after that I want you to come back and take care of the fodder soldiers"

"Understood" he said, shadows slowly creeped towards the three brother and kaijin, when the shadows had finally reached they fell down into the ground like they would fall into water, as Hatti started to get sucked into the ground slowly he said "I will be back, my lord"

...umm...okay...I simply nod my head before moving to Rimuru, who, for legal reasons, was not panicking at all and simply looked a bit worried. He was staring at the two fights when I held him up and got him up to eye level, he stared into my eyes...maybe "You better be thankful" I said with a smirk, "Ye-Yeah"

I put him on my shoulders before moving towards the place where the judge was sitting, he looked at me with fearful eyes, I nodded him to get off which he quite happily complied with. I then sat on the throne both my legs on top of the railing and Rimuru on my lap, "For now..." I said eyeing the battles that were taking place, "lets enjoy the show shall we?"


So this was a pretty small chapter because of a couple of reasons, I want it to be like a sort of prelude to a battle and I am not very good at fight scenes so I will need some time to write it up, I may not update for a week or so, because of that, and also because I seem to be losing motivation with this one, as I am trying to make changes to the story wherever I find I can, and I can't seem to find anything to do... I know what I want to do and where I want to end up with in this story, I know what I want the key check points to be problem is, I don't know what to do in between.

Also Quick side note.

I have an idea for two other slime fic, and I wanted your opinions on them,

1st one is called...well I am not sure what to call it honestly, but heres the story, Its about a delinquent reader who is part of a gang oddly similar to a combination of Valhala and touman from Tokyo revenger and oddly looks a lot like one of the top four founders of touman but with the power of him and mikey combined, So anyway this (Read you) person is the younger brother of Sawatori Miho, Tomura's fiancé. He is with the duo when they ask satoru to come meet them because he was released from juveniles that day and their parents aren't very fond of him, As the two meet they take a certain liking to each other like a brotherly bond, but thanks to his past, and present, of being in a gang a rival gang member comes to stab him and Satoru being the only one who saw his face, he was also stabbed as both of them die and are transported to the world of slime, satoru is a nameless slime but Y/n is glad to find out that he still has a human body...

The 2nd will be gory to say the least, So anyway this is another reader insert but it is a little different, so I just couldn't help but notice that there are 0 rimuru fics where he is evil and 0 male reader x Rimuru fics where he is a yandere, so I am gonna do it first, I don't want to give a lot about this one because I plan to actually make it and thus don't want to give spoilers.

Anyway, I hope you guys understand, and hopefully I'll be able to make a decent fight scene that doesn't consist of one shots by Hatti, Reinhard and Elsa.

See ya next time!! 

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