Chapter 34: Eternity Beckons

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You guys no something annoying about suddenly wanting to write after a full year?

I have no clue what my plans were.

Anyway, let's meet again at the end of the chapter:)


Beyond the mortal veil of ignorance and the light of the countless stars, shrouded in a darkness so absolutely as though light had never even existed, lies the domain of the Axiom.

Singular, Eternal and Utterly Infinite, to try and understand it is to try and understand the infinite cosmos. A futile endeavour.

Axiom watches every thing, for it is the abyss, the dark matter that holds the universe itself in place, but it also tries to break it apart for it is the surrounding gravity that is pulling the stars and galaxies apart from one another.

A single voice bekons its attention.

It ignores it.

Its amorphous form seems to glide over the very fabric of reality using it as a carpet to clean its form.

A million voices beckon its attention.

The noise is barely white noise to it as it gazes at everything that was before and everything that will be after the universe.

An infinite voices call for its attention.

The voice annoys it, it's form wraps around the universe aiming to crush it as the lowly spec of dust that it is, infected with microbial barely sentient life.

A single voice demands its attention.

It stops.

The voice demands it to stay away.

The Axiom complies.


Regulus yawned as he tried to lazily get up only for a hand to push him back down, the feeling of soft thighs drowned out any complaints he may have had.

Rimuru let out a satisfied sigh as she ran her hand through his Head, complete at peace with liying their for eternity.

"Rimuru sama?" Ranga's voice called out while Hatti huffed in displeasure, seems he would have to teach his son about privacy.

Life was sadly not kind to people.

"hmm?" She let out a rather melodious humm in question to Ranga's call before growing beet red and pushing Regulus away from her thighs.

The hard land that contrasted the soft thighs he was lying on was not pleasant feeling.

"R-R-Ranga?! Wha-what are you doing here? Why didn't you inform me at all before coming over?" Rimuru was simply put, a flustered mess.

They were still on top of the hill that Shizue had been buried on, barely anytime had passed since the two had gotten much, much closer than either had expected. With the end result of course being Regulus' head on Rimuru's lap.

It had been around thirty minutes at most.

Gospel: Huh?! No it fucking hasn't? It's been almost a-BONK

It has only been around thirty minutes.

"Apologies master...but I was unable to reach you via transmission, it kept saying my call was being redirected..?"

Rimuru: ...great sage?

Great sage: You asked to turn off all transmissions for the time being.

"Ahem" Rimuru coughed into her hand as she stood up "So? What's the reason?" Her fault or not she was very upset right now

Regulus on the other hand stood up with a few cracks to his bones as he wiped the dust and grime off his pristine white get up.

"I would appreciate it if you did not throw me away this way" he said as he walked towards hatti and lied down on his fluffy back.

Rimuru blushes again as he glared at Ranga.

Ranga whimpered a little before standing at attention. "yes, we've-"


"...Father has apprehended a small lot of Ogres that were running around in the forest, they chose to attack and ridicule us first, three have run back towards what we assume is their base camp, to regroup with the rest of their villagers." He debriefed the situation.

Rimuru looked towards the back seeing the Ogres, the ogre consisted of a red haired one, a pink haired one and an old one.

Regulus' eyes seemed to glow at the mention of their possibly being more than just this group and the other three.

'I really hope they listened to my advice...'

"and what about the-" Rimuru tried to bring attention to the random hand that Hatti was eating but Hatti spoke first.

Hatti "The human tried to act superior, so I killed and ate it up."

He said with no remorse in his voice continuing to chew on the left over.

Rimuru sweat dropped before shaking her head "Well I guess it's fine"

His eyes then washed over to the three prisoners, "So? What's with you lot?" He asked with dark eyes. The red hair one laughed, trying to act tough as he stared Directly at Rimuru.

"We aren't scared of death majin, we aren't telling you anything!"

Rimuru's eyes darkened further as a small smirk graced her lips, "Well....I guess there is the hard way we can go about this...."








I Won't make any commitments yet but I am very much trying to get back into writing this, by which I remember, how is the writing? Has it improved much?

A pretty short chapter to try and get back into the groove of things for me. Hope you guys don't mind.

PS, the first part isn't by Regulus.

Aight, don't forget to review, I will be sad if there's less than 20.

Have a great day my dear rate gems:)

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