chapter 21: Arch Spirits.

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Regulus/Yn pov*

Ramiris stared intently into my eyes "I don't understand you at all." She said with an incredulus expression as she munched on the cookie that I had given her some time after she appeared. I decided to send Hatti and Puck away to Tempest to help with the shizue stuff since I'll probably be late. I doubt I'll make it in time for the fight anyway.

Gospel: you could you are just lazy...

Regulus: so? Do you wanna fight with a spirit?

Gospel: nah.

Yeah expected. "What do you mean?" I asked Ramiris who looked at me with some sort of silent fascination. "You sent your ice spirit and fire wolf back and now you are here...asking for either a fire or an ice spirit...."

"Yeah so?"

"Let me say that again..." Before Ramiris could say anything I interrupted her by garbbing het in my hand...depending on how you think of it thats really lewd or something worth putting you behind bars...

"I heard you the first about another cookie or something will that convince you to finally take me to the summoning platform??" I asked her to which she laughed and said in a haughty voice. "Ha!! You think a single more cookie will convince me the strongest demon lord Ramiris?!" She said.

How can she be so smug when she is being held in my hands like I held my sisters dolls?

I could break her neck right now you know?

That sounded abusive...

Gospel: heh...

Regulus: say kinky and I'll break your neck.

"Hmm I see..." i said. I released before adopting a thoughtful expression.

"How about a hundred cookies?"


"Two hundred?"

"! Higher!"

...Did this overgrown fly just order me?

"Hmm i see. One hundred and seventyfive cookies then?"

"WAIT?! Why did you just go lower?!"

"Oh lower? Then I'll give you one hundred fifty cookies."



"Grrr 230!!"


"Okay fine I'll take 200 cookies!!"

"Pleasure doing business with you!!"
??? Pov.

I looked at the barren war torn lands that encompassed the realm of chaos. It was sad to see yet some what reassuring that this would have been my world had I not stepped up to the task of killing those monsters. Even if I myself turned into one of them in the process...

The war was far from over...even with four of the enemy leaders taken out by him they were still as strong as before. Infact I had probably helped them in part by weeding out the weaker of the group.

I looked behind me at two of the four leaders. While both were humanoid. One was demonic looking with black skin(holy shit that felt racist...) and long fangs and white fire where his hair sould have been with two long horns that seemed to keep them from falling over hid face. The other was a polar opposite with blue skin and long elf like ears wearing a white robe that covered him from head to toe and long white hair that fell down to his back.

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now