Chapter 12: First Arc end.

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Ranga, his pack and all the goblins stared at Hatti with a mix of fear and awe, Ranga attempted to growl but found that his voice wouldn't come out, Hatti looked at them with cold indifference before dropping the three dwarves down on the ground.

"These are the artisans that your master wished to recruit. Take good care of them, your master will be here in a few moments," with that he turned around, moving towards the kingdom gates. However as he was about to dive into his shadows, Ranga called out, "Father?!" Hatti turned around stille holding the same indifference, "Is that truly you?" Hatti simply glanced before diving back into his shadow.

He came back out in front of the court room, just as he was going to go in, multiple legions of soldiers came out from inside and surrounded him, as if that weren't enough, almost the entire army came to surround him.

"Halt! Foul monster!" one of the soldiers, the captain from the looks of it, called out.

All of the army readied their weapons while the mages got ready to cast their spells. He was ready to escape when he realized something, 'take care of the fodder soldiers...' he chuckled to himself before a whirlwind of fire and shadows surrounded him, while the earth below him started to crack up, the soldiers backed away slightly in fear, "As you wish, Regulus Sama!!" and thus he gained the title of the Infernal Fenrir.
"And you saw what happened after that" Hatti said as he explained the situation while carrying the four of them on his back, he was currently in his bigger form, about the size of a small house. Regulus lied down on his back, with Rimuru sitting beside his head both of them listening intently to what was happening. Reinhard was sitting with knees folded below regulus and just above his stomach area, "Also I must ask. Who is this girl?" he said gesturing at Elsa, who was hugging his neck while snuggling into it with a blissfully happy smile, "ah her" Regulus said with and uninterested tone "She is your new best friend, Hatti meet Elsa, Elsa meet Hatti" While Hatti was weirded out Elsa just squealed out "I love you so much!!!" while tightening her grip on the wolves neck.

Surrounding them was a completely different atmosphere, people looked out of their windows, fearfully closing them back as they saw the monsters, people on the streets ran away while the few soldiers that were left due to being part of the squad of people that guarded the gates simply let them pass not wanting to be in the same state as 75% of the army.

Kaijin's brother simply looked down ashamed at what he had indirectly caused. If only he had never introduced the slime to his brother...

He signaled for the guards to open the biggest gate to let the intruders out, as they passed through the gates, he looked back at contempt, wishing misfortune on the people that had caused this.

When they had finally reached outside, Reinhard was attempting to make Elsa to let go off Hatti, to which she was strongly refusing while puffing up her cheeks into a cute pout. Anyone that looked at her now would not believe that this was some one who had taken down the entire upper echelon of Dwargon.

Regulus looked at them before giving an exasperated sigh and simply sat on the ground with his head resting on his chin. "umm," Rimuru said from his position on regulus' shoulders, "What did you mean when you asked if I would accept your heart"

"Ah...." Regulus said still looking at three that were quarreling, "I should have framed that better huh, anyway, I have an ability called authority of greed and it won't work full unless I give some one my heart, the unfortunate part is that if I use the power too long then the person I've given my heart to will suffer the consequences as his heart will suffer what I would have suffered, but you as a slime, don't have a physical heart, and thus, you can't feel the pain and in return I will be able to use the power as long as I wish" he said, it with such nonchalance that Rimuru immediate said yes, without even knowing "Oh its fine then, I accept"

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