Chapter 33: The Hunter

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*Rimuru pov*

It's been a week or so since the incident with Shizu-san, both Magnolia and Carla have left for Dwargon while Azure stayed back with us.

She has been helping our cook with making all sorts of dishes from our home country, she's even brought some ingredients from Blumund.

Life has been good ever since the incident with Ifrit and the goblins have gone back to building the city.

I've been patrolling around the city for an hour or so now. All in my brand new human form!!

Human form I got from eating a dear friend....

I feel bad now.

"Yo~Rimuru san~" A bubbly yet tired voice called out to me. I looked up to see a girl with silver locks of hair and a pair of round glasses walking towards me with her hand up in the sky in a greeting.

"Ah... You are... Who are you again?"

The girl stopped dead in her tracks and her smile instantly fell. "eeeeh? You don't remember me?"

"No not really..." I replied.

"Oh come on!! It's me Gospel!!"


"...I was Regulus' chair last night... "

"Ooooh!! Now I remember! You were hiding your face last night so I couldn't get a good look!!"

She gave a wry smile at the mention of that. "Yeah. Don't have ta remind  me... "

"... So was it a king thing or..? "

She grew beet red with embarassment  Or maybe it was anger a little bit of both perhaps.

"Nothing of that sorts...I am just serving my sentence..."


"Anyways you are probably of to the gate I'll be going now!!" Ahe said before sprinting off to a basically random direction.

Wait how did she know I was going to the gate?

... Anyway.

I continued walking to the gate where I saw Gobta and Rigurd and the other hunters.

Look I can't remember all of them okay?

One of the random hunters was the first to see me and told me to fuck off and that I wasn't needed here.

Lol no. They know what happened t the goblins that tried to start a rebellion.

The goblin bowed his head followed by the others till Gobta and Rigur were the only ones still standing.

"Ah Rimuru-sama" He said as he gave  a small bow. "Was there something you needed?"

"It's nothing. I was just here to send you off. You guys are going for the hunt right?"

"Yes. Will you be eating with us today as well?"

I nodded "make sure to bring another nice big boar like last time!!"

Rigur nodded but looked a little nervous "that's fine but we may have to cut out the great boars from our diets. If we end up over hunting they may end up getting-"

"Just bring one. We can hunt a couple of them every now and then." I said dismissing his concerns.

He simply nodded with a sigh.

"Hmm on second thought how about you kill one and bring as many of the others as possible?"

"Eh? But why would we need that many boars?"

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now