Chapter 7: New subordinate???

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*Rimuru pov*

Hello! I am a small, blue, loveable slime >w<, a loveable slime that is currently in a village full of goblins and wolves, looking at a pile of wood and clothes that looked like it wanted to be a house...I am pretty sure this is not how a house should look I called gobta, rigurd and two other goblins and with our wolves we headed out to the Dwarven kingdom of Dwargon to search for artisans.

Gobta said that he had been to this place before, literally the only the reason I am bringing him with me, I mean seriously he looks like someone put a meat ball on a body and the added a potato as a nose...

That was very rude of me, I looked a bit behind me to look at gobta who was holding for dear life with a absolutely ridiculous face...yeah what I just said might just be considered a compliment considered to what I want to say right now so there's no way I am gonna apologize.

We finally stopped to freshen up nearby a river I wished I could drink but I couldn't so I just wandered around for a while. I stopped and looked at Ranga who was drinking water before calling him to the side to have a talk about what I did to his father.

We went a little further up the river where I was sure that no one would hear us before talking "Hey Ranga..."

"Master?" he replied in a confused voice,

"I made your father leave you right? Not only that I even cut off his leg so you want revenge right? Don't you think about that?"

"...I do think about it sometimes..." he said looking away before looking back at me "but master, not only did you spare us after defeating us in battle and also let my father leave with mostly minimal punishment, you also gave us all new names"

His tail started wagging a bit, "I have nothing but Gratitude towards you, and no resentment at all"

Waaah, Ranga you are gonna make me cry,

"Unlike my father, our loyalty belongs only to you"

...Eh...why did I feel a red flag go up for something like this?

We started moving towards Dwargon once again, on the night before we reached Dwargon, I Received another red Flag in the form of Rigurd cutting off Gobta from speaking. Thankfully both flags were collected pretty quickly.

Since it would be pretty suspicious if I was walking around with a bunch of monsters I decided I would only take gobta with me. Later when me and gobta, were in the back of the line when two really scary looking guys came up to us and started bad mouthing us, okay first flag collected, they both started talking about how we were weak and they would make a fortune by selling me. I told gobta to look away and cover his ears, "Hey there, I am a generous person so I'll let you get away just this once, get Lost!!"

Obviously this threat was not very well taken, as they were spouting there weakling stuff I saw a white haired person come our way, he was wearing pretty noble looking clothes, he was behind the two weaklings "move"

They didn't hear it I decided to continue this when a gentle voice stopped me, "I don't think you should be fighting here slime-san."


The thugs looked behind them while the white haired man told them to move a second time

I turned around fully to see a red haired man with a sword strung on his back hip and he had his back to me, he turned showing his smile and blue eyes to me and both the thugs "They don't appear to be the intelligent sort so maybe you should let them go, I mean seriously look at them, one of them looks like he was punched so hard he received permanent face disfiguration, while the other looks like he had his brain surgically removed and Quite literally has a screw lose"

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now