Chapter 26 : Sike Bitch!!

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Sung Jin Woo pov*

I dodged the barrage of flaming Ice bullets. God that sounds wrong on so many levels. I summoned every shadow I had with me and told them to fight the giant of ice and fire that was probably 9 to 10 feet tall. I had maybe a couple thousand with me including some of my closest Shadows like Igris, Beru, Greed, Tank, Tusk and Iron. This was far from the shadow Legion's true might as there were still hundred's of thousands of Shadows back in the Chaos realm that were under Bellion.  Still. There was no feasable way for us to lose.

"Tusk, Igris, Beru" I called out my eyes still fixed at the giant monstrosity in front of me. "You three go after the caster." I held my hand up in front of me and manifested one of my Daggers that dealt Electric damage. "The rest of you bring this thing down" as soon as the comands left my mouth everyone got to work on the giant in turn simply looked down with its lifeless frozen eyes. It opened its wide mouth before spewing out the white hot flames that contained unmeltable ice shards. I quickly jumped up. Summoning Kaisel as I got into the air. I landed on his back. I signalled him to fly forward with telepathy. As we appeared in front of the giant I leapt off of the wyvern and sent him back to my shadow. I landed on the head of the giant. All flames on its body dissapeared revealing its ice body. I attempted to move my legs only to find them allready frozen. The flames on its body started to reapear starting from the bottom as it quickly climbed up its body. 'This it actually Concious?' I waited for the flames to come up till the head at which point the ice around my feet started to melt. I leapt of the head, summoning Kaisel and landing on his back again. I glared at the giant. 'I had initially assumed it to lack inteligence but looks like you are capable of thought...' I dissapeared and signalled Kaisel to continue attacking the Giant. "Iron. Hit it with everything you got." I said. Iron let out a roar and charged at the giant followed by hundreds of other soldiers as well as Tank. Greed on the other hand stayed back and simply observed. "What are you doing?" I asked in a genuinely Curious voice. "The Giant is melting..." he said pointing at the giant Iron continued to charge but before he got near the giant started to break apart.

Iron and the rest of the shadows stopped in their track as they stared at the pile of melting ice on their feets. A few seemed to celebrate but were cut short by a smaller Ice golem forming out of the ice on the ground in place of the giant. One formed out of thin air flying up into the air in a blaze of fire seemingly forming out of the heat in the air. And then another and another. Soon enough the numbers on both side were equal.

Some golems were small no larger than average humans. Some were huge as large as Iron and Tank. But one in particular was eye catching. An ice golem that was maybe the same size as Igris garbed in knight armour made of flames with a sword that had an Ice handle and a blade of white flames.

This was the leader.

Greed and I move to the front of the shadow army. The knight and I stared in a stand off till the knight pointed his sword at us. The opposing army charged at us i glared at the knight. I manifested by daggers and pointed at him "destroy them" my own army roared before charging and meeting the ice and fire army head on. This time greed joined in as well.

I glared at the knight before bolting forwards. It used its sword and blocked all my strikes before going for the offensive itself.

It forced me to back down but as we were fighting.


"Beru!!" I shouted even though I doubted I could be heard across the room due to the comotion that was happening. I was about to rush in when i heard a transimission. 'I'll take care of it my liege' it was Igris. I told him to try and not kill the white haired man, Regulus, if his introduction was true.

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