Chapter 9 New subordinate!!!

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*Bowel hunter Pov*

Where am I? Why is it all so black? I dead? I had just become an assassin too...i didn't even get to complete my revenge...I wish I could have fought with Reinhard some more...

Acknowledged. Gaining Unique skill, Silent Shadow. Gaining unique skill, Spartan.

Who...who is talking?? me....

Acknowledged. Gaining Extra skill, Instant regenearation. Unique skill: Sage acquired.


Skills gained successfully, attempting rebirth in another world...

Rebirth?... I don't wanna die...I want to stay with Reinhard...I want to fight with him more...I want to fight Regulus at his full power, I want to fulfill my promise to him and serve under Regulus...I want to fulfill my promise to Elsa...I want to kill that bastard that hurt my sister...

I don't want to die...

Permission from od laguna granted, rebirth to world 78043 sinful power commencing


Outside interference detected.

Detecting attempt of revival,

Revival successful,

Failed to rebirth in Sin full power.

Attempting to take back skills.


I shot up from where I was sleeping in, I greedily sucked in the air around as a I instinctively rose my hand to my chest where I remember the most fatal wound to be. I felt the area around my chest...

"Its healed...."

"No shit Sherlock" I heard a voice coming from my right, it was Regulus seated in a couch reading a black book and beside him is Reinhard standing up with his right hand on his sword. "I healed all the wounds you sustained. But you were already dead... so I decided that you were never punched in the head so hard that the head trauma killed you..."

"yo-you what?!", I asked in shock.

He looked up from his book with a furious expression, "You aren't the one asking questions here. You are lucky I didn't leave you in that shop to be killed off. So either you start giving a back story or I will kill you where you are sitting"

That was a lie and I knew it.

Reinhard decided to speak up "When we were fighting and I defeated you, you were ready to serve under Regulus-sama, but then you widened your eyes and turned towards the general direction of the shop, You said something about finally finding some one and then you ran away to the shop, you couldn't have healed the wounds because I was using the blessing of the shinigami, what was so important that you ran away with injuries that could have killed you on the way?"

*Regulus Pov*

She looked away from the both of us, instead opting to look down at the sheets that were covering her. 'Sigh' how could've I thought that this would be relatively easy... "Listen-"

"I am a vampire you know..." She said with her head still down, great finally some back story that should be worth listening to "My mother, arrived at the gates of the kingdom with a stab wound on her stomach, carrying the infant me and my older sister who was 5 at the time, she gave us to the gate keeper of the time with the single request "Let my girls have a good life" she passed away soon after she gave us to the guard. We were taken to the hero king who was told of our circumstances," she let a smile creep on to her face, "as an attempt to honor the last words of a dying mother he decided he would let us live in his palace as guest till the age of 10 and would later be made to pull our weight by helping where we could, when asked for names my sister said we didn't have one, when asked the name of our mother she replied with Granhiert and as an act of kindness he gave my sister the name of Elsa Granhiert it was only when she evolved to greater vampire that he realized his mistake" she frowned "he decided not to name me, he may be just but he refused to Trust us till the trust was earned, but likewise, he refused to give us unfair treatment till our guilt was proven, unlike the nobles...the nobles were terrified of us, giving side glances to us in disgust whenever we were passing by, but still perhaps the king had given them a warning or something they refused to act on there instincts and kill us where we stood, it was at that time that I met Kaijin" She gave a reminiscing smile "He was so kind to both of us, he was always like a father to us keeping the nobles of our even with all the hate from the nobles we lived great lives, not luxurious, but not too shabby either, the king Refused to give luxuries till we earned it but he didn't want to see us starving it was all wonderful... and then it happened..." she clenched her fists on top of the sheets "I was 5 at the time and my sister had just reached 10 when the newly made duke Barbaros who was 27 at the time, came to her and asked for her hand in marriage..." I scowled, this was expected in a medieval era, but the show had never given much value to things like this it kind of wanted to be an ideal world...I looked up to see Reinhard scowling as well, "even though she was young, my sister new that he was not a good man, she refused, and then hell broke loose"

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now