Chapter 6: Things are changing

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*Regulus/Your Pov*

I finally woke up from my sleep, I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, I was in a really soft bed with white sheets and covers, the room I was in was relatively big with white and red wallpapers and hardwood floor, It was pretty nicely decorated with landscape paintings, a small red couch facing the window and a coat hanger on the left side of the dark oak door.

As I was staring at the door, it creaked open just a bit, revealing Reinhard who, might I say, was looking quite good in the new clothes he was wearing, it really suit him.

"Ah, Regulus sama, you've woken up finally." He said with a happy smile, a small and cute gasp sounded behind him, he turned around "Azure, go tell the other two that Regulus Sama is awake" he said behind him. Wasn't she the blue haired elf? "right away sir" a feminine voice stated in a professional manner before the sound of footsteps echoed from outside.

Reinhard moved in to the room with a smile before giving a low bow, "I am glad to see you awake, Regulus Sama" I got up in a sitting position with my feet still in the sheets. "Rise up, Reinhard" he rose up with a smile it was then that I also noticed the new sword tied behind his hip.

"What's that new sword?" I asked he put a hand on its handle before replying "It seems that the sword that the man, Erya, held was a rather powerful artifact that another otherworlder had brought along with him" he took the sword, still in its sheath and presented it in front of me "the swords original name is lost to history, the sword was able to change into a weapon that was most compatible with the wielder and also give certain skill that could only be used while the sword was drawn, it could be said that the sword turned into an imprint of the soul." He said with a smile and a lot of pride, it was like a boy showing his teacher a drawing that he made, "from what I understand by what the sword has said,"

What the sword has said?

"Each wielder has had a unique sword with a unique name..."

"I see" I said, I knew what he was doing but I guess I could humor him a bit "and what's the name of this one"

His smile widened just a bit with pride "the Dragon sword, Reid"

"Dragon sword, huh? Quite the name for a sword, have you tried it yet?" I asked with slight fascination, Reinhard blushed and his smile turned into a straight line, he looked away in embarrassment, and with a hand scratching the back of his head he said, "That's the thing...according to the sword spirit inside, his name is also Reid by the way, he says the sword can only be used against someone it deems worthy...and the thing is...up until now the only person it has found to be worthy is you..." I looked a bit shocked, way am I gonna let him use it on me, there's no way something like that isn't ridiculously powerful, but...that reminds me...

"Reinhard" I called out with a serious face "what do you want to do now?"

He looked confused before speaking, "I don't understand"

"what I mean is that I am not gonna hold you or the girls to me, I want to know what you want to do now that you have so much power" I said, I gulped, If I wanted I could tie them to me and not work ever again...but that would just lead to hate and despise towards me, I don't want to make them my slaves, I want to let them have their opinions and tell me what they want.

"Regulus sama..." a female voice sounded from near the door.... "HOOOH" I couldn't help but yell out in surprise, I knew that they would change but this is a lot different from them before, Reinhard seemed to chuckle at my response to this.

"Nice to see you awake again regulus sama" the blue haired elf stated moving forward in front of the others before bowing down,

 "yo-you're Azure right?"

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