Chapter 35: torture? nah

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Regulus pov

"Well....I guess there is the hard way we can go about this...." Rimuru said with a genuinely dangerous glint to her eyes, words cannot describe how quick I jumped to my feet.

"wait!" I said before contacting Reinhardt and I Elsa "I called Reinhardt and Elsa to go after the others, it won't be too long before we have all of them here anyway"

Rimuru's face seemed to dull a little at that. The fuck? You want to torture someone that bad? The hell happened to the 'not a bad slime'?!

Suddenly, her eyes seemed to light up a little, she looked at me with a wide smile and nodded.

This....this isn't gonna be very good is it....

"well then you heard what he said, you know what this means don't you?~" her voice was disgustingly sweet, it was very obviously forced but she continues anyway.

Also what do you mean-

"With three of the strongest fighters here and three others wounded, how will you possibly defend against our strongest?hmm~"

Oooooh, quite dirty indeed.

Gospel: was Rimuru always like this?

Regulus: no clue but I love it.

"you foul beast!" The red haired beemed at the threat, while the white haired one seemed to be fuming as well if the looks were anything to go by.

"HEY! We weren't the ones that came looking for a fight idiot, who the hell do you think you are parading yourself around as a high and mighty monsters when your this weak?" Rimuru's words seemed to cut like a dagger into the red hairs back even as the white haired one tried to console him, although to no avail.

"I am not asking much of you, I can give your people shelter, food, protection, all I am asking is what the hell you were doing in my forest" she said as she folded her arms in a stern manner, even her speech had turned into something more akin to a mother scolding her child.

"Hmm" I stared at the pink girl, I would've assumed the soon to be Shuna to have been the most devastated by the information but something was wrong...she was rather calm for some reason, not to mention she was yet to speak at all.

Just as the red haired oni was about to speak something though, she spok up.

Why, we were finally making some kind of progress...

"Don't worry, brother" her voice was clear and loud for all to hear, a confident smile suddenly graced her lips. "Big Sis is still at the camp, as long as she's there nothing can harm them"

The red hair though didn't seem as confident. He simply nodded with a sweaty smile before gaining a look of worry once more.

"Big Sis?" I couldn't help the surprise in my voice at that moment as I stared at the girl, before sighing, "why are you people so insistent on making this bigger than it needs to be, is this your pride speaking? Or is it just plain idiocy..." I stood up motioning for Hatti to follow me.

"Where are you going?" Rimuru asked with a tilt to her head.

"I am going to Reinhardt he says they found the base camp already" I didn't need to turn around to feel the tensing of the three Ogres, well...two were considerably more than the other one.

"I am gonna go see if they are all as prideful as this lot here or if there is anyone with a decent head on their shoulders"

Rimuru nodded "please do, and what if they are all like that red one?"

I sparked a small fire on the tips of my fingers, with a dark smirk on my face...."What do you think?"

Admittedly I was trying to be scarier than I really was to keep up with Rimuru but I have no clue what it really looked like but l ts hope it was convincing.

Rimuru gave a rather bright smile, "you do that" scary given the context....

I don't know if she is joking or not....


Rimuru pov

As regulus took off on the back of Hatti I could feel a cold sweat running down my back, do slimes even sweat?! Why do I keep sweating when it comes to him...


Not like that!!

I saw the red hair was still pretty bummed out for some reason "What's wrong? You don't seem as confident as the pink hair over there?" I didn't really expect an honest answer but he chose to speak properly for the first time.

"Big Sis...she's not normal..." He said as he shook his head before the pink hair chastised him "BROTHER!" She shouted at him. "It's specifically because you and the others are like this that she doesn't act properly in your presence!!"

Man I wish I had some popcorn.

Is there popcorn in this world?

Meh, i'll make em myself if I have to...

The two siblings were suddenly in an all out argument with each other, one of the few things I did pick from the argument was "Savage" "anger issues" "endanger others" and "true monster" from the red hair, while the pink hair went on about "Selfless" and "kind"

Yeah I stopped listening after that.

"hey" the old man called out to me as I turned to him with a bored expression.

"what's up"

"did that man truly mean what he said?" The old man asked while sweating, the other two stopped bickering too as they turned towards me.

Ah there it was again the cold sweat crawling down my back.

I crossed my arms and just shrugged "Who knows?" It was fun seeing their faces suddenly grow grim even as the pink haired girl still held a certain confidence in her eyes.

I turned away biting my nails a bit.

I wasn't really sure if he was joking or not....



I have opened a discord. It's in my profile.

Please vote and review kay.

Aight rare gems, I go sleep now, it's like 3:03 am....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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