Chapter 16: you are early.

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It had been relatively easy to enter the land where the mansion was situated seeing as how there was a surprisingly no guards at all. So now, Reinhard along with Regulus and Elsa, with Hatti inside Regulus' shadow, stood in front of the massive mansion with a nervous look as he positioned his hand to knock but not finding the courage to do so. He looked at Regulus who had decided Reinhard would do the talking this time. Regulus simply sighed, "You know you could've refused if you were nervous."

Reinhard shook his head "That's not it I just...I am not sure how they'll think of me, I mean, I did kill the one who had the sword originally didn't I?" Reinhard looked down in shame when a hand grasped his shoulder in a comforting manner, he looked at who the hand belonged to and to his surprise it wasn't Regulus rather it was Elsa who simply smiled back at him, "don't worry I am sure they'll understand. Just show them how strong you are compared to him and they will accept without a second thought." She gave him a smile more angelic compared to the bloodthirsty smiles she normally wore causing Reinhard to respond with a smile of his own before grasping the hand on his shoulder, "Thanks" he said while looking at her face.

"Oh?" a third voice came in causing both of their smiles to drop while their eyes widened and blood rushed to their face making them blush hard enough for steam to rise from their heads. They both looked away from both each other and Regulus fast enough to break their necks had it been anyone else.

"Ohohoho?" Regulus spoke once again with a smile that said how much of sadistic pleasure he was getting from watching them getting embarrassed, and by the seven witches was it a lot.

"When did you to get so close together?" he said with a teasing voice with as he looked at them as his hand rubbed his chin.

"You know you look like a newlywed couple" Both of them blushed even harder, not noticing in there embarrassment that the voice seemed more childlike and a little more squeaky.

"I did leave for quite a long time away from you two and the elves were nowhere near you at the that I think of it you were a lot more sweaty than normal did you do stuff other than just sparring while I was away?" Regulus teased further causing both of them to turn back at him.

"That's not true!!" both of them shouted simultaneously.

"You are still holding her hand you know." The feminine voice said once again teasing them and causing both to jump away from each other. "Eh?" Regulus finally noticed the extra voice and looked to his shoulders where the voice was originating the two on the other hand were still too flushed to noticed not to mention they were looking away probably hiding their blushing faces.

On his shoulder was a small grey furred cat with a white underside standing on its hind legs it was small enough to fit in his palm and had a golden piercing on its left ear causing it to droop down. The cat itself looked back at Regulus with a confused expression, "...Are you supposed to be here?" it finally asked. Regulus replied with a question of his own. "Are you supposed to be big enough for a mouse to be able to eat you?"

The cat crossed it's arms and closed its eyes. "Touché..."

Reinhard and Elsa, who had finally come into their senses looked at the cat in confusion, "Who are you?" Elsa asked, reached into her shadows where she normally kept her blades in case something were to happen right now. "Glad you asked!!" the cat started to float, it cleared its throat before saying, "It is I the protector of the Astrea estate, the master of ice magic, spirit of absolute zero given the ephitet of the beast of the end!!!" it said with its hands placed on its chest with the other hand behind its back, just as regulus was about to ask its name the door opened revealing a man with Ocean blue eyes similar to Reinhard and long brown hair tied in a pony tail and a few strands of hair covering barely covering the right eye, he wore a long sleeved high collar shirt with a grey vest and brown pants with a sword strapped to his waist. He sneered at Regulus, "What are you doing here? Witch cultist?" he moved to take his sword out only for another voice to stop him from doing so inside the house. "Wilhelm, Wait!" it was the voice of a woman. It sounded melodic. As the door opened they got a view of the woman who had called on to the brown haired boy.

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