Who is more dangerous?

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*Rimuru pov*

Ah~~~ this place is the best~~~ to think that someone like me would be held by so many elves...I'll probably melt...

"After the way you resisted coming here, you sure seem to be enjoying yourself" kaijin said from the doorway. "N-no, I wouldn't say that" as soon as I said that all four of them Gave wide grins, and the mute guy even gave a thumbs up, damn I forgot his name, hard to remember when he DOESN'T FUCKING SPEAK OR SAY HIS OWN NAME OUT LOUD. Looking at the grinning faces I just turned around to save what little dignity and pride I had left.

An elf with earrings called out that we should drink to which we all said yes. During this time I was in heaven...

The conversation was sporadic at best with all of us making small talk here and there to pass time, soon enough the conversation went to how I had cloned the magical long swords...

"Man, that sure gave me quite a shock" he said while laughing, "I busted my ass to make that sword and you just made all those copies in a second."

"That's only because the original was so amazing, all I did was analyze it and make copies using the magisteel cluster" I said, Kaijin didn't seem to happy about it though...

"Was I out of line?" I asked, both the brothers and elves were holding their breaths "It was a bit vexing to say the least" he said with a grim look before smiling and raising his mug "But next time I'll make a sword so amazing even you won't be able to make a copy. I relish the challenge!!" he drank all the fruit whine in one go, damn old man slow down.

"That's the spirit!" I raise my mug as well "Refill please"

The elf girl that had started the drinking came up to me with a bottle, "Can you even taste slime san?" she said with a small smile.

"I can't but any drink is delicious if a beautiful lady like you pours it for me."

"my my, very smooth," (Yeah seriously can we just appreciate how smooth the line and the delivery of this line was in the anime?) she kneeled down to pour the drink in my cup "Here you go."

Ah This feels really good, I wonder if I would have been able to get this experience in my world...

The small talks continued, oh, gobta is still in the jail cell right? I guess its fine if I go home without him, one less belly to feed...

"Slime san?"

No one here can read minds right?

I turned towards the dark skinned elf, "would you like to try this?" she said making weird hand movements, "people say that I am pretty good at it"

"What do you mean?" I asked, there's no way she is talking about what I think she is talking about right?

"Fortunetelling." Ah as expected, it wasn't what I was expecting. She took out a small crystal ball out of....somewhere...where the hell did she put that thing???

"Are you ready Slime san?" she asked while putting the crystal on her laps,

"What kind of reading can you do?" I ask with mild interest.

"Well...what would you like?" she asked back...

I was wondering about it when the elf girl whose lap I had been sitting on suggested something "how about the person he's destined to be with?"

"Huh?" everybody paused their conversation's to look at the three of us, "ah good idea!"the dark skinned elf girl called out.

After making a small joke about trying to read the fortune on me which led to everyone laughing, she tried it again for real this time, slowly an image started to form...

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now