Special: The Stars mean everything to me

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I was about 6 years old when my mother got pregnant with the twins. My father was ecstatic, he wasn't violent back then.

My mother seemed to always have a blissful look on her face, she wasn't apathetic to everything. She was...happy.

As for me... I am honestly surprised I even still remember this, maybe it was Gospel, but I remember running back home from school as fast as I could to see if the kids were born yet.

It was so silly now that I am thinking of it. I am pretty sure I pestered the two about it starting the second month itself.

During the fourth month I even started building a cardboard house because I thought there wasn't space for them in the house

Dad didn't get angry that I wasted cardboard boxes and mom didn't get angry either. She just smiled and watched as dad humoured me and we started to make a pillow fort instead of a cardboard house.

It's one if the few memories I have from when we were still a family

It was during the final month in mom's pregnancy, I couldn't sleep that night so I sneaked out of the room to get into mom and dad's room. I don't really know why. Maybe I wanted to see if the babies had magically appeared. Maybe I just wanted to be with my parents cause I thought I'd get better sleep tucked between my parents.

As I entered I saw dad was sleeping on the bed alone but mom wasn't there. I searched a little and saw mom outside in the room's balcony.

She was sitting outside while singing a lullaby and looking up at the night sky while rubbing her belly.

I got close to her and just listened for a few seconds till she finally noticed me.

"Ah Y/n" She said with a smile... I miss that smile so much. "What's wrong? Couldn't sleep?" I nodded. She tapped on her lap and I moved towards her before placing my head on her lap.

"Look up to the stars do you see that bright star over there" She said pointing at particularly bright star up in the sky. We live in a much rural area back then so a lot of the sky was visible to us.

I nodded and she began "that's the Star that you were supposed to be named after"

That was probably mind blowing for little me. After all, I was just now learning what stars are in the first place. The fact that they were named too was mind boggling at the time.

My mouth was open as I kept looking at the star that mom had pointed at.

She gave a deep sigh, "if only our parents weren't so traditionalist, we would've had such a wonderful name for our little prince...but it seems it just wasn't meant to be..."

... Hmmm... How do I say this without being rude.

Oh yeah I can't.

How sad.

Oh wait, I don't care.

I hated my grandparents with a passion.

They were greedy ass holes on my mothers side and traditionalist bastards on my fathers side. My father's family in particular I hate more than I could ever hate my father.

They kicked dad out of his inheritance because they didn't like mom. Mom's parents kept asking for money and dad was forced to give it to them because they forced him to sign a contract in exchange for mom's hand in marriage...

They were the reason. They were always the reason.

They were the reason dad became so violent. They were the reason dad hit mom so much that she stopped caring. They were the reason mom was hit so much she started associating being beaten with being loved.

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