Christmas special 1

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(Y/n pov)

"Who the hell do you think you are huh?!" He said as he grabbed me by the throat. I grabbed at his hands in a desperate attempt to tfree myself but all it did was anger him more as he punched in my stomach before throwing me across the room and into the dining table.

The table cracked under the pressure and I could feel the sharpnel in my back.

' hurts...'

I tried to get up but he grabbed me buy the colar again as he punched me across the face. "Who told you you could talk back to me huh?!"

'Thats how a conversation works you bastard...'

He was about to punch me again when we heard snickering coming from the living room.

My brother and sister...they were twins and got beat up a lot more than me, so seeing me get beat must be a hella good experience for them...

Both me and my father glared at them causing both of them to immediately shut up. Dad gave me one last punch across the facr before letting go of me and then miving towards the twins.

"Don't kill them honey...we still need them for now"

My mother said from the living room as dad grabbed both of the terrified children by the throat...

I didn't care about them though. We had never been close and any love we might have had was lost the second they snitched on me to dad about my friend...

They were psycopaths anyway. I had seen them bullying kids in their school my sister constantly harrased the girls that had attempted to bully her on her first day and my brother had a gang of followers that he kept and beat up anyone that refused to join his gang...

Like father like children it seems...

Mom yawned as she moved up to her room not batting an eye to the monster she called her husband that was brutally  slapping the twins.

"Hmph..." dad grunted as he let go of the twins who were moaning in pain....

Then he started moving towards me again. He took off hi jacket plopped it on the floor before motioning me to get up...

This was normal for us 'father and son' despite constantly beating all of us, even mother from time to time he some how found me to be his favourite. Perhaps it was because I was the only one who fought back ever since I was small...everyone had given up, i was the only one who fought back no matter how badly he beat me, resulting in the favouritism of letting me stay out later than the others, buying more than what was absolutely necessary and letting me have an actual bed with coverings instead of just a matress.

The others hated me for this, but I didn't care.

I am the strongest....

Thats what I told myself everyday to keep me from giving up...

I had fights in school to keep up that image of myself. Even beat the twins sometimes when they got too annoying...

I am no better than my dad, I know, and I don't care.

Violence is the only language my family understands, and I learned perfectly how to speak it.

I got up from my position on my floor and held two hands up. He smiled sadistically as he slowly approached me.

I am his I was given a deal...

Beat him in a fight and I'd be given my freedom...

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now