Chapter 5 Seriously? Exceptionally strong?

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*Reinhard Pov*

Saint: Special technique Astrea Family sword play has been unlocked.

Reinhard: Astrea family?

Saint: don't worry about it partner, for now though you should focus in defeating that blonde. Don't wanna lose even after being given a name, do you?

Reinhard: You're right.

I jump from the stack of trees and down to the ground. I don't have a sword so...what do I do...If only I knew how to use other weapons or hand to had combat.

Saint: request Accepted Gained blessing of the warlord and hand to hand combat. You are now a master of all weapons.

Reinhard: wait what?!

Saint: this is the power of your unique skill Divine protection: you will receive any skill you believe to be required at

Reinhard: damn that's really powerful...

For some reason I turned back to look at Regulus.

Reinhard do you think...

Saint:...sorry to say kid but no blessing can be as powerful as an authority maybe you could win out of sheer quantities he can make up for that by quality...

Reinhard: authority?

Saint: yes, that's his ability; he has all authorities of sin, the direct antithesis to divine blessings.

Reinhard:...I se-

The blonde haired guy finally made his move "shukuchi kai!!" he came fast this time...was I seriously gonna die right after being named?


The answer was no. with speed that even Regulus couldn't follow I picked up the spear and blocked his sword. His face Contorted into one of fury before he started unleashing a barrage of sword strikes that were all easily blocked by the fight went on I started to feel a tugging on my lips as a smile etched on my the battle went on and he tried to beat me, the more bored I started feeling I was about to use the spear to give him a hole in his chest when he was blown away by an unseen force. His hair that had been tied had broken out of the tie and was now reaching his shoulders. He was blown up into the air where he did a back flip and landed just in front of the elves.

"Heal me quick!! And use your enhancement spells!!"

The elves reluctantly used their magic to help him causing him to glow a multitude of different colors before going back to normal. I got into a stance ready to use the Astrea family sword technique but a hand on my shoulders stopped me from doing so.

"don't use your skills on someone like him Reinhard he isn't worthy of even what you already showed him" regulus said with a frown that turned to a smile "I'll make sure he dies in misery so stand down."

"hah?" the blonde said in a frenzy getting ready to attack "don't get to cocky damned Majin!!"

He ran towards Regulus "SHUKUCHI KAI!!" he yelled out with confidence that he was gonna win...and then both his arms fell off. He looked down at his arms with horrified eyes "MY ARMS!!!" He shouted in terror before turning back to the elves "He-Hey He-Heal me Qui-" he stopped when he saw the look in their faces, they had cruel smiles and were silently chuckling. Regulus moved forward before kicking him square in the jaws. "gah!" Regulus looked at the elves with a frown causing the elves to freeze in fear before e smiled again and said "what are you girls waiting for?" he pointed down at the downed man "don't you think you should have your revenge?" the girls looked shocked until finally one of them the, blue haired one moved forward and gave a kick right in the nuts.

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