Chapter 4 deal with the devil

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Why?...Why did it turn into this?

I thought as the blonde man gave another punch to my sternum, "Gah!!" it was painful...

: much time do I have?

Saint: Not much partner...Your health is pretty much gone by now.

: heh...So I am about to die huh?

Saint: I am sorry partner...But od laguna isn't a very merciful being, it may have favorites like you but even you are nothing more than just another source of entertainment.

: It's okay's not your fault.

Saint: ...

"Oh? You are still standing? How stubborn even though you are just a half majin." The blonde head looked at me with disgust as he slashed my leg off using his naginata.

"AAAAHHH!!!" I screamed out...this is...this is too much...

"Don't go too hard on him, Erya" A voice called out from back. It was the old man with the spear, Ogrion I think his name was. He may seem like a kind hearted person at first but a look at his eyes was all it took to determine his greed....

"What does it matter to you old man?" he said to him with a rude tone before walking towards me and stepping on the leg he just cut off. "GAH!!" I screamed again from the pain.

Damn it.... It was getting really blurry, Probably out of the blood loss, My eyes started feeling heavy, and then I saw them...the elves with their ears cut off...looking at me on the verge of crying wearing nothing more than rags as clothing...and then I saw them both the old man and the blonde. The old man was looking at me in lazy indifference while the blonde looked at me with a twisted smirk, those eyes...they were looking down at me... as though I was just another majin he would hunt down...those eyes...those godforsaken eyes...

I want to gouge them out of their sockets.

As though deeming me un important he turned his back at me before walking towards the elves, he looked at the blonde elf, she was on the verge of crying the same with the other who were giving scared side glances at me, He looked at her in the eyes before slapping with enough force to make her fall down to the ground, I Widened my eyes before gritting my teeth in fury, I used the stick I had been using to fight him as a crutch rising up from the ground, the blonde thing looked at me before giving a chuckle.

"Are you serious? You don't have anything to fight me with and you still want to go against the heavenly warrior on par with Hinata Sakaguchi?" he said with a smug look, I simply gave him a glare. His smile twisted to a frown, he took his sword before taking a stance "So be it"

My body was to slow to act even though his movements were slow enough that I could probably kill him twice right there...I simply waited for the oblivion that would most probably follow the sword srike poised at my neck, but to my surprise as well as everyone else he stopped just as it reached my neck.

"What...the hell!?" he cried out before he had to dodge because of the tree that came hurtling at him barely missing me as it passed me,

In the blink of an eye multiple trees were thrown at him until enough trees were thrown to cover myself from their view...

I turned behind me to find the few trees that were there to be up rooted and a lone man with pale hair and complexion wearing elegant white and gold clothing standing there with a cruel smirk and hands held behind him.

He started walking towards me as I reflexively moved back not caring that I was quite possibly between a lion and a cliff, just as i tried to move back though...I tripped and fell back on my butt the man looked at me with disapproving eyes, shaking his head like a disappointed parent before moving up to me, and holding out his hand.

Shouldn't I be in hell??? [Rimuru x male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now