Chapter 15: Just a bit longer

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Shizue could only smile at the antics of the three elves as they rested near a small river, she had been planning to travel through the Jura forest alone, she knew she was getting closer and closer to Losing control with each step she took, she knew how dangerous she was to everyone around her, she had made up her mind, she would go as far as she could to search for Leon and when the time came, when she was sure she would lose control...she would kill herself. Alone and away from everyone she loved, she would protect them by taking Ifrit's body away from him, she'd probably feel sad at dying alone but...

'I guess it is a way for me to atone...I am well aware of how many I killed even without Ifrit's influence. I suppose it's only right for me to die this way.' That's what she had said to herself in order to steel herself but as she was walking to the forest, she spotted them and something inside told her. No. she couldn't help but call out to them, she didn't know what it was. Maybe it was a desperate plea from Ifrit himself? Maybe she was just being selfish, but by the time she got to know them, the resolve she had previously gathered was shattered, as she spent time with them she slowly started to gain it again...the will to much so that she started to beg to anything that was above.

"Just a bit longer..."

It was selfish, but as she slowly opened up to them, she understood it was okay to be selfish sometimes. She understood that after so long in this world she hated so much, dying alone was just too...cruel.

"Just a bit longer" She mouthed to herself.

"Hey Shizu-chan?" Azure called out to her she was currently in the river wearing just her underwear alongside Carla who was swimming along with a happy smile on her face, magnolia on the other hand was nowhere to be seen, she snapped out of her daze, she looked at Azure a small question mark appearing on her Head "Hm?" she sounded out. "Mou...Are you even listening to us?" Azure asked with a pout on her face.

"*Chuckle* Sorry, sorry." Shizu let out a chuckle looking at the blue haired "I wasn't listening, What were you asking?" Azure quickly had a smile on her face again. "Wanna join us in the river? Your must be tired from all the monster we killed it's really fun!" She said with a smile.

"Sorry, But I can't just strip in the open can I?" Shizu said, Azure was about to say something but before she could she was immediately being splashed water in the face by Carla, who had a smug smile on her face. "Hey!!" She left Shizu alone deciding to get her revenge instead. Shizu once again smiled under her Mask. She was about to lay down on the banks, but magnolia quickly swiped the Mask off and placed it on top of a rock with all their Clothes, Before she could say anything magnolia Quickly Stripped her of her Cloak and katana Placing them both on the stack before carrying her Bridal style, "Wa-Wait just a-"

"Azure phrased it wrong" Magnolia said, she herself was In her normal adventurer attire, also not wanting to strip in the middle of the forest. She gave an evil smirk down at Shizu, who in turn Shivered just a bit "It wasn't a Suggestion or question." Before Shizu could say anything Magnolia ran and jumped into the River startling both of the elves and splashing them with water, Magnolia surfaced up to breath.

"Magnolia!!" Azure cried out. "Oh shut up! I'm never gonna understand the splashing game, YOU ARE IN WATER. How much more wet can you get?!" she said, Shizu who was still in her arms, now fully drenched in water, couldn't help but laugh at the way she phrased it. "Ah" Magnolia realized it herself and blushed a deep red, Azure blushed herself but started chuckling. Carla on the other gave a full blown laugh. "Didn't expect you to be a perv, captain" she said while still laughing causing the others to laugh more while Magnolia herself Blushed Deeper "Sh-Shut up! You know what I mean. Hmpf!" She said turning away causing the others to laugh even more.

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