Why me?!

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Third person pov

Eight year old Naruko Uzumaki was walking through the woods like she always does when she needs to think, or be alone.

Naruko's pov

Why am I treated like I'm some kind of monster? I've done nothing wrong. They just hate me and call me names


I was walking through the town on my way to the ramen shop. I stopped in my tracks when I heard whispers and snickering. I looked to my left and saw two women laughing and pointing at me. They noticed me staring at them and scoffed

"What are you looking at demon?" The first one spoke.

"What's so funny?" the question left my mouth without my permission. I already knew the answer,and I didn't want it spoken out loud.

"Just the fact that nobody likes you and you will forever be alone"

My blood boiled but I knew she was right. My head hung on it's own and I walked away. I heard them laugh and say things like"freak" "monster" and "demon". I just walked to the woods like always.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flashback over

I feel the tears threatening to fall from my eyes and I let them.

"Why? Why does everyone hate me why am I forced to live like this? Why would the fourth hokage put the kyuubi in me?!" I shouted as loud as my lungs would let me. I fall to my knees crying while it was started to rain. (cliche I know sorry)

Why me?

I stand up heading home before I get sick not that anyone would care if I got sick and died.



Poor Naruko when I was writing the story I honestly started to hate myself for writing this chapter this way. I feel bad now but this helps to build onto the story I guess. Comment and let me know what you think so far.

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