Sick day

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Naruko's pov

This morning I woke up with a splitting headache, the chills,a sore throat, and I was nauseous.

The warmth of Sasuke that I would normally feel wasn't there. I turned to look at his spot to find it empty, but I heard shuffling in the kitchen.

Guess he's in the kitchen, as always, talking to Itachi ( they all share the house).

I pull the cover up some more trying to get as much warmth as possible. Sasuke walks into the room five minutes later.

"Good morning, Naru."


"Well someone's in a bad mood this morning."


"Are you okay?"

He walks over and pulls the cover from over my head to get a good look at my face. He places his hand on my forehead."

"Man you're burning up."

"No, duh, sherlock. (Note sarcasm)"

He ignores my sarcasm because he knows I get aggravated when I don't feel well, which is very rare.

"I'll be right back."

"I'll be here."

He goes out of the room and comes back a few minutes later with a thermometer.

He takes my temperature and waits for the temperature to stop rising.

"104. How are you feeling? I mean what are your symptoms?"

"My head is pounding, I have the chills, my throat is sore and I'm nauseous."

"I'm gonna ask Itachi to got to the store. I'll be right back."


My eye lids grew heavy and I went back to sleep.

Sasuke's pov

I walked into the kitchen and saw Itachi sitting at the table reading a newspaper.

"Hey old man. Can you go to the store? Naruko's not feeling well and I need some stuff to take care of her with."

I write out a list of things for him to buy.


"I'm not doing this for you just so you know. I feel bad for Naruko. And I have never seen her sick before."

"Whatever the reason is thank you."

"Yea, yea whatever."

I walked back down the hall to my room. When I walked in I tried to be quiet because of Naruko's headache.

I walk over to the bed and see she is sleeping. I give her a kiss on the forehead and sit down in the chair by the bed and put on my head phones and listen to music.

A few hours later

Naruko's pov

I slowly open my eyes and find that my head hurts even worse than it did before. Sasuke's sitting in the chair reading. He looks up momentarily and sees I am awake.

"Hey babe how you feeling?"


"Itachi got you some soup and medicine and some other stuff that I forgot what the heck it was."

He laughs lightly and I give him a half hearted smile.

"Can I have some soup?"

"Of course. I'll be back in like five minutes."

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