3 months later
Naruko's pov
I walk in the door and immediately flop onto the couch. Kakashi has had us doing missions, and training constantly for the last three months.
Sasuke walks in the door a few seconds after my flop. He walks to the chair and plops down.
N-"My muscles hurt so much."
S-"My everything hurts. So I have you beat."
I would argue with him, but I don't have the energy.
"Ugh. Sasuke get the door."
"Why can't you get it."
"I'm laying down. It's easier for you to get up."
"*groan*. Fine."
He walks to the door and I hear him greet someone. My curiosity gets the best of my and I look to see who it is.
Standing at the door is Sakura.
"Hey Sakura."
She glances at me.
"Oh! Hey Naruko. What are you doing here?"
Really? Really, Sakura?
"Uh.......I live here."
"Oh! Right!"
"So what are you here for?"
"Oh, yeah. Kakshi sensai said we have a week and a half off. He asked me to tell you two."
"Okay, thank you Sakura."
Sasuke was about to close the door, but when I looked at her it seemed like I wanted something.
*sigh*. I can't believe I am doing this.
"Hey, Sakura. Would you like to hangout with us and watch a movie? I mean I know you have seen us everyday for the past three months, but I think we should all hangout."
She looked surprised by what I was asking, and Sasuke looked like he just wanted sleep.
"I-i would love to. As long as it's alright with Sasuke-kun."
"Yeah ,yeah come in."
She walked in the door and took off her shoes. It's a good thing I invited her to hangout because as soon as she got her shoes off it started raining.
"Why don't you get comfy i'll get snacks."
I walk into the kitchen without waiting for a reply from either of them.
I walk back into the living room and walk to the couch. I noticed Sakura was watching me the whole time.
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
"Besides your whisker things? No."
"Than why are you looking at me like that?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
I look at her with a confused look on my face.
"What are you talking about?"
"Your being nice to me. Why? After all I have bullied you and called you mean names since we were little."
"I'm being nice to you because that's what friends do. I forgave you after graduation. You just never knew that."
"You forgave me when we graduated?"
"Yea. I figured if we were going to be teammates I should forgive you and become your friend. That way we work better together, and we won't just be tolerating each other. We would actually enjoy being on the same team."
She looks at me then at her folded hands in her lap. She looks back at me and I think I saw sincerity in her eyes. The next thing I know is she's hugging me.
"I am truly sorry for the way I treated you."
"Don't sweat it. Like I said before. I forgave you already."
"I don't see how you forgave me so easily. I would still be mad if I was you."
"I probably would still be mad just a little bit if it weren't for Sasuke. He is kinda like a psychiatrist."
We both laugh at that.
"You do know I am right here?"
We look at him and crack up again. We laughed so hard our eyes started watering. We finally settled down after like two minutes.
"Hahaha hilarious. Now what movie do you two laugh boxes want to watch?"
My and Sakura think for a minute before saying at the same time
"The Fault in Our Stars"
"Really? That movie?"
"It's two against one Sasuke. So put the movie in."
"Ugh. Fine."
He puts the movie in and sits in his chair. Before I watch the movie I glance at Sakura and smile.
Today an enemy became my friend

A Naruko and Sasuke love story
FanfictionNaruko Uzumaki is the girl that everyone avoids. Nobody likes her or even treats her like a human being. They call her names, throw things at her, insult her, and just plain terrorize her. All she wants is for people to like her. She also wants to b...