Naruko's pov
Stupid alarm clock! I roll out of bed and land on the hard floor
I get up and go to the bathroom after grabbing my clothes. Time to get clean. I take a shower and wash my hair. I get dressed and put my hair in the usual ponytails. I walk in the kitchen and make a bowl of ramen which I eat happily. I glance at the clock.
7:45 I still have twenty minutes to kill before I have to go to school. I plop down on the couch and turn the tv on. Ugh there's nothing to watch! I'll just read. Ha! Like I read. What do I do? I could clean up before school I guess. I straighten up my room, wash the dishes, mop the living room, and dust the shelves. I look at the clock.
Perfect I have a minute to put on my shoes and get my bookbag. Once I have my shoes and bag I leave and make sure I lock the door behind me.
At school
I got to school with just enough time to get to class. From outside the door I can here everyone talking. I open the door and all the noise stops.
*sigh* this is gonna be a long day. I walk in the classroom and all eyes are on me. I hear people laughing and whispering as I make my way to the back of the class to my seat.
The teacher walks in not to long after I did. Alright class today we are focusing on the-"
I stop listening before he even says the jutsu. Lately we've been focusing on jutsus we already know.
"Naruko would you like to tell me the purpose of this jutsu"
I look on the board and see all kinds of information I don't know.
"I don't know sir"
Than I suggest you stop looking out the window and pay attention. Don't you think that would help you understand this jutsu?"
"Yes sir"
The day seemed to drag on as I waited to be dismissed from school
"Alright class that is all for today. I want you all the go home and practice the jutsu you learned today"
"YES SENSEI" the whole class bellowed.
And with that I went home. When I got home my door was wide open. I could have sworn I locked the door before I left. I walk into my apartment and find it trashed. The shelf is knocked over, the tv is cracked, the couch is torn up, dishes are all over the place, and a few windows are smashed.
Why would someone do this? What did I do that was so wrong? I walk around looking at the mess and I see a note. It read:
Leave demon your not wanted here with normal people. You will be forever alone.
As I read that last sentence I wanted to leave the village and start over,but I knew that no matter where I go someone will find out than everyone will know and I will have to start over again. If that does happen than before I know every single person will know and hate me.
*sigh* better get cleaning before it gets late
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A Naruko and Sasuke love story
FanfictionNaruko Uzumaki is the girl that everyone avoids. Nobody likes her or even treats her like a human being. They call her names, throw things at her, insult her, and just plain terrorize her. All she wants is for people to like her. She also wants to b...