Sasuke's pov
She closes her eyes and she goes limp in my arms. The tears start to fall from my eyes. I don't even care any more. The one I love is gone, and is not coming back. As the realization hits me I cry even harder. Sakura comes forward and she sits beside me. She looks at Naruko and she cries. She leans on my shoulder and crys. I put my arm around her and we just cry together. I can't tell what Kakashi looks like. Mostly because my eyes are blurry from tears. His back is toward us and his shoulders are slightly shaking.
A few choking sounds come from my mouth and I cry harder if that is even possible.
I hug Naruko's body close to me and rest my head where her heartbeat would be. I stay there for a second and everything around me goes quiet. Sakura sniffles every now and then. I just rest my head on Naruko's chest and close my eyes. I hear a little noise that sounds like a heartbeat. I immediately yank my head back and look at her more closely.
If you look hard enough you can see her chest rising and falling ever so slightly.
She's alive?!
"She's alive!"
"What are you talking about?*sniff, sniff* she's not alive."
"Look you can see her breathing slightly."
I haven't lost her yet I still have a chance to save her.
Sakura looks closely at her and gadps.
"She-she is alive."
"Come on we need to get her to the hospital and quick."
We all stand and face toward the village. Kakashi is carrying the scroll, Sakura is carrying her bag and my bag, and I am carrying Naruko.
We run as fast as we can to the village.
Hold on a little while longer Naruko I am not gonna lose you.
At the hospital in the village
We run into the hospital doors and up to the desk.
"Excuse me I have an emergency. She has a kunai to the lung and a few other injuries. She's barely breathing and she's lost a lot of blood. Can you please help me quickly."
They react quickly and take her to a room. I try to follow them but a nurse stops me
"Can you please stay out here? We'll need you to fill out some paperwork regarding the patient."
She hands me a clipboard and leads me to the waiting room where Kakashi and Sakura are.
"So what did they say?"
"They haven't said anything they just showed me here."
About thirty minutes later a nurse came out.
"Who is here for Naruko Uzumaki?"
The three of us stand up and she walks over to us.
"She is okay for now. Her vitals are low and she is in a coma."
"How long until she wakes up?"
"Well it's not guaranteed that she'll wake up. Sometimes people wake up, sometimes they don't, and some times they die."
"How can you make it so it is guaranteed she wakes up?"
"Well we can't do anything to guarantee that she'll wake up. We can only put her on life support and leave the rest up to her. You can go and see her if you would like, but unless you plan to stay the night at the hospital and be the one we call for anything you'll have to go home after visiting hours."
"I'll be staying at the hospital with her and you can call or talk to me about anything concerning Naruko."
"Alright. Let me enter you into the database and than I'll show you where she is. What is your name, age , and relation to her?"
"Sasuke Uchiha, 16, I am her roommate and best friend."
I would say boyfriend but I am not sure
"Alright mister Uchiha. If you three will just follow me I'll show you to her room."
We follow behind her and she opens the door. We walk in and see Naruko in her bed. She has an oxygen mask, an Iv, and some other tubes that I don't know what they are. I walk to her side and hold her hand. Sakura goes to the other side and grabs her other hand. Kakashi left the room to go talk the hokage. Sakura grabs my free hand and we just stand like that for a few minutes.
"Do you think she's gonna wake up anytime soon?"
"I don't know."
We sit in silence. It's not an awkward silence. It's a relaxing silence. We needed it after all that has happened today. The silence was interrupted when the nurse came in and told us visiting hours were up. Sakura got up, let go of Naruko's hand ,gave her a kiss on the forehead like a mother would do to a small child, and she left. Leaving me alone in the room with a sleeping Naruko.
It's getting late.
I find some blankets and lay down on the spare bed in the room and go to sleep.
I need you to wake up soon, Naruko

A Naruko and Sasuke love story
FanfictionNaruko Uzumaki is the girl that everyone avoids. Nobody likes her or even treats her like a human being. They call her names, throw things at her, insult her, and just plain terrorize her. All she wants is for people to like her. She also wants to b...